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We begin with Fei walking down the streets of Shanghai. Not only enjoying her day, but making sure no crime comes her way. She spies like an eagle, all while being calm like the bear. So far, it seems ok, but a little too ok. "Any sign of crime?" Mei Shi asked. "Not at all. We seem to be in the clear." Fei replied. "Excellent. Nothing like a day with no crime, no robberies, nothing negative at all." Hou said. "Don't stay too soft, Hou. This is a classic case of, it seems cool, but in actuality, something dangerous is upon us. Just remember to always keep your guard up." Fei replied. That's when a random person sees her speaking to herself, and he goes "I should be weirded out, but hey, that's some good advice." The man walks away, as Fei stands there a bit awkward. "Well that was the most awkward assistance of help I've ever seen. Anyway, where we off to?" Hu asked. "Getting some food. Don't worry, I have enough to not stay entirely broke. Besides, a hero needs to eat if a hero wants to succeed." Fei replied. "Yes, great point." Tul said. They continue walking. Not knowing a group of robbed figures watching her. "So she's the little dragon we were assigned to steal from, then kill?" Figure asked. "It's what the boss said. It was given by his boss." Figure replied. "So does that mean we are a boss' boss' henchman?" Figure asked. "Stop with the stupid questions. We need to strike now, and get this over with." Figure replied. "No. The boss also said the more we make her suffer, the more we get paid." Figure said. "What's with that dumb sentiment? Ah, never mind. Fine, we let her rest, then we strike." Figure replied. They then move away, as Fei moves forward.

    Elsewhere in the city, Fei is slurping down some noodles with fired scorpion. "My, my, you sure are hungry Fei. Then again, it's always nice to see my favorite customer come by my shop." Hanker said. "Appreciate it Hanker. And I will forever appreciate your food. So rich, and crispy. Especially crispy." Fei replied. "So, Ladydragon has been kicking a lot of but recently." Hanker said. Fei spits out her noodles. "Huh? Oh, right. Me, I mean, Ladydragon. She sure is a legend." Fei said. "Anyway, you mind if I get you a napkin?" Hanker asked. "Yes please. Sorry for the little mess." Fei replied. Hanker hands her some napkins, as Fei cleans her little spillage. "Anyway, Ladydragon. It's nice that we have one of these miraculous holders in Shanghai as well. I wonder what she's doing right now. Relaxing, fighting crime, maybe even eating at the moment." Hanker said. "Yep! She must be very busy right now! Busy doing whatever makes her so happy!" Fei yelled as she giggles nervously. "Anyway, how has your little rent thing been going?" Hanker asked. "Not great. I almost have enough to afford rent this month. I'll get it tomorrow. Other than that, it could be worse. It always could be worse in any way you can imagine." Fei replied. "I really hope you get that resolved. If not, you can always chill at my place if you want. I'm not than happy to help a friend out." Hanker said. "Thanks. See, this is why you are a G, Hanker. A true friend looking after his allies." Fei replied. "And you will forever be a G for how you come support the man himself." Hanker said. The two smile, before long, an explosion goes off. They both turn around, and hear people screaming. "Looks like Ladydragon is going to be very busy right now." Hanker said. "Yeah. Oh look at the time, I need to go uhh, get my laundry. [places cash on counter]. Thanks in advance, bye!" Fei yelled as she runs. Hanker watches her leave. "Oh yeah. She is one hundred percent Ladydragon." Hanker replied. Fei then runs to an alleyway to transform. "Laundry? Really?" Ma asked. "It's not easy making excuses to your friends you know. [explosion goes off]. Less talk about bad excuses, more going out there to save citizens!" Fei yelled.

Soon, Ladydragon lands right where that explosion went off.  As she stands there heroically, the smoke clears up, as she sees who caused this.  "So, you five punks caused those explosions?"  Ladydragon asked.  "Well, well, well.  If it isn't the Legendary Ladydragon.  We have been expecting you."  Figure replied.  Ladydragon then sees that her attackers are a bunch of ninjas.  "Ninjas?  I get to get to fight ninjas?  Dope."  Ladydragon said.  "Not just any ninjas.  We are, Nitro Ninjas!"  Nitro ninja yelled.  "Nitro Ninjas?"  Ladydragon asked.  "I think you know why we are called that."  Nitro ninja replied.  "Now, it's about time we put an end to your legendary status as a hero.  Today, we will take your precious necklace, and your little bracelet.  Our boss is going to pay us jackpots of cash for this."  Nitro ninja said.  "So you guys want my miraculous?  Are they really that worth it?"  Ladydragon asked.  "I mean, shape shift into animals.  Superpowers.  Cool design."  Nitro ninja replied.  "Oh right.  Speaking of, She!"  Ladydragon yelled as she turns into a snake.  She then slithers her way into one of the ninjas faces.  He screams, as she bites at him.  The other ninjas go to help.  They slash their katanas, and nearly take the guys head clean off.  They thankful don't, and Ladydragon jumps off.  She slashes her tail into one of the other ninjas.  He falls to the ground, as another ninja tries to stomp on her.  She dodges, then bites the name in the knee.  The ninja screams. Another kicks at his knee, but Ladydragon dodges just in time. "Ma." Ladydragon said as she turns into a horse. As the ninjas regain focus, Ladydragon horse kicks them in the face. Sending them flying into a cart. The last three ninjas go for the kill, but Ladydragon is always ready. "Hu." Ladydragon said as she turns into a tiger. She then bites one ninja in the leg, and swings him into the other two. Sending those two flying, as well as the one she is bitting onto, as she yeets him into the other ninjas. Ladydragon then turns back to normal. "Not so on fire I see." Ladydragon said. "It's only the beginning. Go ahead and say you are the legend, it won't last long for now." Nitro ninja said. They all smoke bomb away from the scene. "Pfff, I like to see them try." Ladydragon said. She leaves the scene of the crime.

    Later that evening, we are now at a small island with an abandoned lighthouse decaying day by day. Inside, we see all the nitro ninjas bowing before someone. "So you lost to a snake, a horse, and a tiger?" Boss asked. "Yes, sir. Listen, I know it's embarrassing, but we will do better next time." Nitro ninja begged. "Ohh, you will do better next time. In fact, here is some motivation for you boys." Boss said. He presses a button, and a voice messages comes on. "Hello Nitro Ninjas. The name is Essence. You may know me as the man who caused chaos in Shanghai a while ago, before Ladydragon stopped me. It was pathetic yes, but not as pathetic as seeing you all fail. I gave you all my knowledge on combat. How to be unstoppable fighters. And this is the reward I get? Disappointing. I am giving you this warning, once, and only once. Do better next time, or else I'll make you pray I didn't come here to this lighthouse. Good? Good!" Essence said as the video ends.

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