The Comeback

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Begin in battle this time around.  Ladydragon once again gets her butt kicked by a clan of ninjas.  After getting sliced and diced by some katana blade, she is kicked straight into a brick wall that cracks.  "Done, and done.  Hope you are ready to get your butt kicked next time, Lady Loser."  Nitro Ninja said as the others laughed.  They then all leave, as Ladydragon gets up.  She groans from exhaustion before she slowly jumps her way back home.  She then climbs through her window and proceeds to fall face-first on the couch.  She passes out, right in hero form, as it slowly fades to black.  Hours pass by, and Ladydragon wakes right up.  "What the heck?!  [looks around, before seeing she is in hero form.  She de-transforms upon seeing this].  That was close.  Hopefully, no one got in, and saw me like this."  Fei said.  "Good thing indeed.  Now stay quiet, we need to talk."  Mei Shi ordered.  "Geez!  What's the deal, Mei Shi?"  Fei asked.  "You need to admit it now."  Mei Shi replied.  "Admit what?"  Fei asked.  "[sighs].  Admit why you can't turn into animals.  It's pretty obvious now."  Mei Shi ordered.  "Excuse me?  I have no idea."  Fei said.  "OK, here is a clue.  I stole my Ex-bosses wallet."  Mei Shi replied.  "Wait?  Ohh, that is what this is all about?"  Fei asked.  "Yes!  I think we all can agree on why you are failing so much.  It's because of you going back to stage one of your old ways.  Stealing stuff for a crooked man."  Mei Shi replied.  "You think that's it?  That's the reason why I keep failing?"  Fei asked.  "No.  We honestly know that is the reason."  Mei Shi replied.  "Absolutely,"  Hou said.  "Well again, it's temporary.  I'll just keep doing this until I get my life back on track."  Fei replied.  "And keep on losing day, after day?!"  Mei Shi asked in horror.  "It's temporary.  I'll get back on track in no time."  Fei replied.  "So you are admitting you know the reason why you can't turn into animals, yet are you okay with it?"  Mei Shi asked.  "Yeah.  Look, one thing at a time.  I don't want to get too stressed out here."  Fei replied.  The others look very worried now.

We then go to the lighthouse where the villains hide.  "You guys finally grew some and started to impress me.  Seeing how easy it is to beat Ladydragon, expect a few extra bucks into your paychecks."  Essence said.  "Thank you, boss."  Nitro Ninjas replied.  "As for you Firefly, kept hidden, and are sure they do their job right."  Essence said.  "Tell that to burnt boy over there.  [Essence looks at the ninja who got his leg torched].  He had the guts to tell my name to our enemy.  It's only a matter of time before she starts to get curious."  Firefly replied.  "So we have a snitch on our hands huh?  No matter.  He is suffering enough as we speak.  As for you, Firefly, you have nothing to worry about.  As long as she continues to struggle with her powers gives us the majority of time to torment her.  The outcomes of her demise will be gorgeous, I can feel it for sure."  Essence said excitedly.  "Why can't we get her jewels now?"  Nitro Ninja asked.  "There is no fun without a little pain.  Enough to break one's soul.  And we are doing that job well my friends.  Now, go and take care of her once more.  I'll give you the orders of when it's time to strike."  Essence replied.  The ninjas obey and leave their master.  "You have a weird tendency to deal with your enemies, Essence,"  Firefly said.  "I do, and I love it.  Besides, you want what I want as well don't you?"  Essence asked.  "I do.  For her to feel the pain she gave me."  Firefly replied.  "So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.  It's a win-win for both of us."  Essence said.

Back with Fei, she is pouring a sack full of loot she got from today.  "Oh, my Forbidden One!  That's so many wallets, purses, and cash."  Ma yelled.  "Yeah, but it's enough to get me back on track,"  Fei replied.  "No.  More like, you don't deserve to wear these jewels."  Mei Shi said.  "Don't be rude, Mei Shi.  It will all be OK.  Let's see here.  We got so much stuff.  Going to need to burn a few of these licenses.  Don't want to cause suspicion."  Fei replied.  "Right.  Well, you know what?  Go ahead.  Go ahead, and make a fool out of yourself.  I am going to sit down, and enjoy my stories."  Mei Shi said as he turned on the TV.  Just then, the news comes on.  "And in shocking news, a ninety-year-old has been arrested due to speeding, and not having his wallet on him.  Cruel?  Sure.  But remember people of Shanghai, always have your wallet on you."  Newswoman said.  "Dang.  Poor guy."  Mei Shi replied.  Soon, they show the guy's mug shot on the news as well.  Right at the same time, Fei pulls out a wallet.  Not just any wallet.  The old man's wallet.  Mei Shi sees it, and his eyes immediately open up.  "Uhh, Fei."  Mei Shi said.  "Yes,"  Fei replied.  "Look at the wallet, then the TV."  Mei Shi said.  Fei does what Mei Shi said.  She looks at the wallet, and then the TV with the mug shot.  "Huh?  Didn't know this guy had a twin.  [stops].  Pause the TV, please.  [Mei Shi pauses it.  Fei looks at the wallet, then the TV.  She does it four more times].  Uhhh, guys."  Fei said.  "Like we said, this isn't right for you."  Mei Shi replied.  Fei then all of a sudden has a revelation.  She realizes what she did.  Because of her stealing, because of her excuses, she caused an innocent ninety-year-old man to be sent to prison for who knows how long.  This makes her fall to her knees, and have her eyes as open as Mei Shi's.  "Oh my God.  What... What did I do?!"  Fei asked.  "You are having a realization of why this is horrible,"  Hou replied.  "Oh my God.  Oh my God.  I sent an old man to literal jail.  You... you guys were right after all.  This is bad for me to do.  [looks at the wallet, then throws it across the room].  I... I am an awful person."  Fei admitted.  "Well, at least she finally sees it,"  Tang replied.  "Yes, but now is the time to help.  [all of them fly over to Fei].  Fei.  Listen to the sound of my voice.  What you did was horrible, yes, but let this be a lesson for you.  A lesson never to go back to your criminal ways ever again.  A lesson to remind you of the kind of person you aren't."  Mei Shi said.  "So, that does mean you forgive me?"  Fei asked.  "Well, no.  As renlings, we need to know if you have fully learned your lesson.  The next time those ninjas strike, you are going to show them the power you have within."  Hou replied.  "Meaning?"  Fei asked.  "You use your powers.  You can use them again because you now see your wrongdoings."  Hou replied.  "Oh, yeah.  My bad."  Fei said.  Soon, she hears screams outside.  She runs to her window, and she sees the ninjas.  "Alright.  [deep breath].  Do you want me to fix my wrongs?  Alright then.  Let's do what my Father would want me to do!"  Fei yelled.

Outside, the ninjas laugh at causing mayhem again.  Soon, Ladydragon shows up.  "There she is a gang.  The almighty, Lady Loser."  Nitro Ninja said.  The others laugh at her.  "Laugh all you want fools.  You may got me good last time, but this time, it's about to change."  Ladydragon said.  "Says a lot coming from a shapeshifter."  Nitro Ninja replied.  "Are we going to fight or what?"  Ladydragon asked.  "Gladly."  Nitro Ninja replied.  They charge at Ladydragon before it all goes into slow-mo.  Ladydragon closes her eyes and thinks.  She is channeling her energy to use her powers.  Before long, we are back to normal speed.  "She!"  Ladydragon yelled.  However, despite learning her lesson, she turns into nothing.  This allows the ninjas to drop and kick her hard against a wall again.  "Ha!  And you said it was going to change this time."  Nitro Ninja said.  "OK then.  Hou!"  Ladydragon yelled.  Nothing again.  She then gets punched and sent flying into another wall.  "Come on now.  Tul!  [nothing].  Ma!  [nothing].  Tang!  [nothing]."  Ladydragon yelled as if nothing had happened.  Soon, she is ambushed by the ninjas.  They proceed to beat her relentlessly again.  Making Ladydragon feel pathetic, and weak inside.  As she lies there taking it all in, she remembers what she said.  Let's do what my Father would want me to do.  After that sinks in her head, as well as a montage of all her memories with him, it wakes her up for real.  With that, she is filled with the energy she needs.  "Xiong!"  Ladydragon yelled as she finally turned into an animal.  She then lets out a much-needed roar, as the ninjas look at her with fear.  "Finally!  Now, what did I say before the fight?  Oh yeah.  Things are going to change."  Ladydragon said.  She then charges at the ninjas who scream and meet one away.  The others try to attack, but Ladydragon is back in business.  "Tang,"  Ladydragon said as she turned into a mantis.  She then crawls into one of their masks and pokes both their eyes out.  Ladydragon comes out.  "She,"  Ladydragon said as she turned into a snake.  She then whips his leg, and as it sends him to the ground, and then whips his face.  This makes the last two ninjas run away, but Ladydragon ain't having that.  "Hu!"  Ladydragon yelled as she turned into a tiger.  She then pounces on the last two ninjas and bashes their heads together, before throwing them away.  The ninjas then get up, before Ladydragon gives them a look of fear.  This makes them run away in fear, and scream knowing she is back in business.  Ladydragon then smiles knowing she is now back once more.

It's later that night, and Fei is back home with the others.  "Thanks again for opening my eyes, you guys.  I'm glad I managed to get back on my feet thanks to you all."  Fei said.  "We are just happy you are done being a thief again.  It's such a relief."  Mei Shi replied.  "And great job doing the right thing and returning the stuff you stole back.  Even to Lenny as well."  Hou said.  "What matters is that this made me realize how easy it can be for me to fall back to my old ways.  How I can be easily drawn into committing crimes like I said today?  But what matters now is that I move on, and use this experience to make sure it never happens again."  Fei replied.  "That's our girl."  Mei Shi yelled.  Soon, the others celebrate a great comeback as the night goes well for them all.  It then cuts to Essence's lair, where he watches footage of the ninjas failing today's fight.  "Seems your human soldiers have failed, master.  You were always better with machines as goons."  Clawer said.  "Yes.  Yes, I am.  Consider them lucky.  [looks at blueprints].  In a matter of time, she will be facing a new threat.  One that will make her beg for mercy."  Essence said in a villainous way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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