One of a kind~ Richard x Reader

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(Note: i do not own Richard, ( ) you'll find some of his pics of him, and amazing fan art people do. Anyways enjoy!)

On those days you wished the shift end, just end now, so you don't need to suffer through from the animatronics that are trying to kill you. Taking deep breathes to calm yourself down, at least this couldn't get worst. "Hello.~" hearing a purr causing you to yelp turning seeing a tall man, his skin was purple... Well he's purple all over, but his pants, shows, watch, and eyes. Gulping looking at him, "Umm hi?" you spoken back to the unknown male you don't know, seeing a grin appear on his lips making you nervous. "So your the new guard? Beautiful/Handsome than I thought.~" he cooed making you blush even more at his comment, but gathering courage to speak. "Thanks." a simple chuckle came out of him, "You're welcome beautiful/handsome.~" sitting on the desk in front of you looking confuse at him, mainly it hit you. "How did you get pass the animatronics?" asking him. He smirked a bit looking at you into your (e/c) eyes.

"That's a secret I will never tell.~" He says tilting his head a bit, "And how rude of me not saying my name, I am Richard.~" purring at you, blushing crimson color. "I'm ___." You said to him, smiling at you more... In a strange way though, "A lovely name .~" he says pulling you to him, squeak out and squirms to move away from him, "H-hey! Let me go!" you almost yell out, he deeply chuckled darkly looking at you. Lifts your chin you and roughly kissed you. Eyes widen from that, shocked that made you stop squirming. Melting in his kiss, you softly responded.. WAIT! You just met him! Why is Richard kissing you, but you couldn't pull away.. Didn't want to stop this moment with him. Richard smirked press on your thigh causing you to gasp out taking the chance for him to shove his tongue in. Exploring inside your mouth, and fighting with his tongue your cheeks turn very red clinging on his shirt, as he wrap an arm around your waist, and a hand hold your head to keep you still while french kissing. Pulling out, you gasped and panted . The purple male sat on the chair pulling on his lap, holding your hips "My, my.~ such a naughty one are you?~" purring pulling you close again, kissing your neck making you blush once more. Smirking darkly licking your cheek to your neck. Clinch on his shirt your eyes tight shut. Richard leans to your ear, "I think I'll keep you.~" he whispered, you start to feel... Tired, blurring out from sight in his arms. Standing up carrying you out, smirking more as his eyes fully turned dark.

"Your one of a kind, my dear ___."

Five nights at Freddy's x Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now