Chapter 239

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I stare off into the thick blue fog ahead of me as we take our break after finishing the 4th 3-hour farming session.

My teammates are all waiting around nearby, eating food and getting ready for what's to come next.

I can feel the boss room portal nearby, but there isn't much point in venturing any closer to it right now. We'll take that step once it's time to leave.

In that last run, I hit level 460. The improvement in my mana control isn't as drastic as my teammates, but it has become noticeable. A mutant Ogre can be taken out in just 1 hit if I concentrate.

After stretching my arms and letting out a long yawn, I turn to my teammates.

"So how are we feeling? Up for more or-"

I'm cut off by a white glow that appears beside Abby in a pile of food, water, and loot.

It's her transmission tablet.

The small silver tablet Is vibrating against the hard rock she sits on and creates an annoying buzz.

Abby looks down at the silver contraption while picking it up, then looks back at me.

"I have a feeling our decision is about to be made for us..."

It shakes in her hand, and the white glow gets brighter and brighter. All 4 corner crystals begin to blink and shine until she answers the call.

"Hello? Director? It's Abby, what's with the urgent news?"

There's a long pause.

I take a step closer to listen. Maria and Aire start to walk in closer as well.

Then, a woman's voice comes out of the metal box.

"Brutus is out for the time being, I'll be the one updating you from now on."

The smooth familiar voice of the blond-haired assistant with the lie-detector skill comes out of the small silver magic item moments later.

I clench my fist at the sound of her voice. Whatever she's calling about, it can't be good...

She continues.

"You're all needed at the Solara Labyrinth in exactly 18 hours. We've organized a raid in the morning with all able C-Class hunters or higher hunters in the area."

Abby replies with a stern tone.

"A raid? So there's more people here than just us and those two scouts? Who else are we working with? Our last run-in with locals dissent exactly go smoothly."

Another pause follows, then the woman's voice projects from the small silver box again.

"Indeed. There was word of a small mixup in DryRock, but it shouldn't be an issue. We've arranged to temporarily work with the Solaran Government, they'll be sending out some of their top-rated hunters to join us on the raid."

I nod hesitantly, thinking to myself.

If they couldn't handle it themselves by now, I'm not sure just how effective these Solaran top hunters will really be. Also... I'm finding it increasingly hard to believe they're just going to let go of the damages done in DryRock.

Even if it was their fault to begin with, they will most definitely push the blame on us...

The female assistant continues.

"The support teams may not be able to help with the final boss fight, but help in numbers will be very effective on the lower floors.'

There's another long, awkward pause before she continues.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now