~ chapter 9 ~

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Waking up in Cousin's was a different feeling entirely different feeling, it was like you were being reborn. Maybe it was the magic at the beach house or perhaps it was just summer, all I knew was that I loved it. Just getting out of bed was exciting, getting to pick an outfit with a bathing suit underneath so you could go swimming whenever or the fact my favourite people were here. It was surreal half the time. 

But after a while the reality sets in and I realise I have to actually socialize today and very an awkward conversation with Finn. And have to see Belly and Conrad. The dress Laurel picked for me had a gingham pattern with red ribbon around the edges. I looked mature but I really didn't want to even go anymore. I did the Deb to spend time with Belly and prove to myself I could do something like this but after last night I didn't even want to go downstairs. 

I had put my hair into cute space buns and done natural make-up. It was giving the I didn't try but I did vibe. 

The house was quiet. It was never quiet. 

The anxiety was nearly consuming as I opened my door to head downstairs. Just pretend everything is okay I thought to myself. It would just be Susannah. Susannah was definitely a morning person. She'd always be up first. 

"Hello Sunshine," Susannah said as I got to the bottom of the stairs. 


"How did you sleep?" She asked, but she asked in a way she always knew. 

"Okay" Pretend, Pretend, Pretend. 

"Do you want any breakfast?" Susannah always knew when to not press on a topic. 

"Um, I'm good. What time is that Deb thing?" The truth was eating anything made me more anxious. 

"Oh it is at 9:30" Susannah was pouring herself a drink smiling as she said it. 

"You beautiful in that dress by the way" Susannah winked. She knew how to compliment people in a way that was so natural. 

"Thank you, makes me look old though" 

"No, It makes you look beautiful. Your matching with Belly by the way" She told me. 


"What does Oh mean?" Susannah asked. 


"Hello everyone" Jeremiah walked in happy as usual. 

"What exciting event is happening today which means you are dressed up as gorgeous as ever," Jeremiah said spinning me. 

"The Deb ball" 

"Morning" Belly walked in wearing the blue version of my dress. 

The room's vibe turned tense as soon as I locked eyes with Belly. I hated being in an argument with her but I didn't want to give in. Why should her feelings be more valid than mine? 

Jeremiah grabbed a cup of coffee before leaving again. 

"I'll be at the beach if anyone needs me before the deb thing," I said before walking out to the beach. It was the best place for me to think. 

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