He Cares...

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Lowe's POV

"So what did kielah say?" I asked Tyler

"She said Nia is happy where she is and that she doesn't plan on coming back any time soon" Tyler said with a sigh throwing his hands up

"So she's happy where she is huh...?"

There was a brief pause as I starred at all the men in my room

"You want to just leave her then?" Frog said smirking at Penny

I felt something inside of me boil over at his comment, "Leave her?" I said with a smirk

Frog stared at me stiff in his chair worried by the question I just asked him

"Explain.." I asked as I took a sip of my drink

"...uh well uh" Frog stuttered as he tried to come up with a reasoning to his sarcastic response

"Let me remind everyone in this room why they're are all still alive" I said stepping a few steps towards all the ungrateful bastards in my office

"If I didn't keep any of you ungrateful motherfuckers under my wing YOU WOULD ALL BE DEAD" I said while slamming the glass in my hand against the table in front of me

Everyone sat further in their seats in discomfort, " Every last one of you would be dead if it weren't for me, do any of you even know how bad everyone wants to kill me because I let you sons of bitches work for me?! HUH?!? And even after we all die you will all still rot in hell by the crimes you committed, now I suggest you all tighten up and kiss my ass before I send you back to the holes I dug you out of"

I took a deep breath in and exhaled as I imagined Nia rubbing my shoulders and whispering in my ear like she would always do when i'd get to this point

"Sorry man" Frog started

"Yea we're gonna make sure we find her and stop bullshitting" everyone else followed

"Yea cause if that was any of our women we'd be just as sick"  Tyler added

I turned and face them as I cleaned up the blood dripping from my hand from the cup I just destroyed, "sure thanks"

*Ring Ring Ring*

Samuels phone rang

Narrator's POV

"Hey babe" Samuel answered

"Daddy where you at?" Zoe asked

"Meeting, wassup?"

"Awwww hurry I miss you" Zoe whimpered

"Yea I don't wanna hear any of that until you give me some answers about your lil run away friend"

"Ugh" Zoe replied as she hung up

Penny joked, "That what we call disobedient pussy"

"Something like that" Samuel replied

"You just gonna allow her to be like that?" Tyler questioned Samuel

"What do you want me to do? Tie her up and make her snitch?" Samuel said furiously

"Yes" Lowe answered

Everyone looked at Samuel

"Yea I tried doesn't work with Zoe, one she's not gonna say shit when it comes to her friends and two she loves pain I would have to break a limb to get something out of her" I joked and took a sip of my drink

I looked up to see everyone looking at me in a 'so do it' way


Nia's POV

"Soooooo Mr. DeSchaun, tell me about yourself" I asked smiling

"Please Nia call me Dre" he replied

"Ok Dre tell me about yourself"

"Let's skip the basics and get to how you ended up working for this lunatic" he said in a concerning manner

"Well" I began to get flash backs of the kidnapping

"Listen if it's not a memory to share it's fine"

"No...no it's fine really not that serious, umm well long story short I wasn't getting along with the last person I was working with and...well Chi Chi gave me an opportunity to work here so I took it"

Dre looked at me as if he knew I was bullshit, "Hmmm cool"


"So your a lier...noted"

"I don't know you nor will I tell you how I know Chi Chi nor will I ask you how you know him so you wanna tell me what you know about Lowe like your supposed to? Or leave?"

Dre laughed, "He's taught you well I see, your gonna know everything you wanna know about Lowe trust me sweetheart...you know more than me anyway"

I stiffened in shock...he knows who I am to Lowe? Chi Chi told him? Or Manny?

"Uh um"

"Uh uh um, yea Nia we all know who you are come on now, you're the only reason why everyone that wants to kill Lowe is being buddy buddy with Chi Chi right now... YOUR THE PRIZE" he replied

Oh duh... duh Nia ... duh damn

"Right" I said with a giggle

He looked at me in regret, "Sorry I didn't mean it like that"

"Trust no hard feelings, I totally get it" I said looking down at the papers on my desk

"You deserved better any way, no women should have to deal with a man like that"

"And what do you mean exactly" I questioned

"You haven't heard about him?"

"No but I know him personally and the way he treated me was with care and concern" I argued

"Are you sure?" He questioned

... all the arguments, all the lies, the near death experience, his hidden truth

"Dre look I don't wanna have to go deep about what me and Lowe had all I know is that he meant no harm towards me"

"So you think" he cut me off starring me in my eyes

...he's not wrong I thought I knew Lowe... but I clearly didn't

"You're something special to him, why? Nobodies sure why yet but I want to find out personally, let me get to know you first and then we can get to business... of course if you don't mind" he said softly

Ugh why am I attracted and why does he give a fuck can't we just keep it strictly business why the fuck does everyone wanna get to know me so bad I JUST WANNA KNOW WHAT LOWE IS TRULY UP TO!!!!

"Sure why not" I said with a bland face

He laughed, " cheer up"

I blushed, "I'm fine just wanna know why"

"We all do trust me, he doesn't have enemies for no reason and you're hear for a reason so let us help you find out too"

...yep I like him

I felt sure in this so i'm willing to see what his whole plan is with "figuring me out first"

I smirked and we left me office


Date Published: 10/7/2023


Columbian Mafia Wife *Lowe's Part 2*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora