Episode 1: Into The Unknown

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[We open to the dense of the forest. A peaceful and covering sense that instills a feeling of tranquility deep within the soul. Sunlight filters through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor as the gentle rustling of the leaves in the breeze provides a soothing.]

[Suddenly, a white line of speed blasts through the woods, cutting through the air with a high-pitched whir. The sound echoed through the dense forest, causing birds to scatter from their perches in a frenzy.]

[What looked like a tall white creature that wore a colored Hoodie, and a Cap on his head. It's Rocky The Avatar, who's currently running through the forest with smirk on his face.]

[As Rocky dashes through the forest, the trees blur past him in a greenish haze. He hears the distant sounds of battle ahead, urging him to push forward. Suddenly, he spots a group of Polaris's robots attacking his friends. Without hesitation, he charges into the fray, fists clenched and determination burning in his eyes.]

Rocky: [Narration] Hello, I'm Rocky! Of you thought I was you're ordinary citizen doing ordinary citizen things, then you've been living under a rock if you haven't heard of me!

[With swift kicks and punches, Rocky dispatched more robots, making his way towards the epicenter of the skirmish.]

Rocky: [Narration Continues] I've got to fight many battles before, but none of the match with MY arch nemesis, Dr. Polaris! He's been attacking me since I was a kid, and his plans are always a doozie to stop.

Rocky: [Narration Continues] But it's not just me. I've got a crew – Tedi, Johnathan, Ava, and the others. I've faced worse from him, but when you got a crew like mine, there's nothing you can do to stop us from coming between!

[A sudden beep from his communicator interrupts his reminiscing. He glances down to see a message from Tedi, his best friend.]

Tedi's Voice (from the communicator): "Rocky, watch out! Polaris is launching a full-scale attack. We need you here, fast!"

Rocky: "Got it, Tedi! Hold the fort, everyone! I'll be there in a flash!"

(With renewed determination, Rocky redoubles his efforts, swiftly dispatching the remaining robots before taking off in a blur of motion, racing through the forest towards his friends' location.)

[A Peaceful look is shown across island where The Avatars live. Just then, A sudden explosion near Tedi's Workshop, followed by missile launches. The workshop is surrounded by a protective force field by Tedi]

[Missiles from Dr. Polaris' attack hit the force field, causing it to shimmer and ripple but hold strong.]

Dr. Polaris: [Mocking tone from a distance,and Manically Laughing] You can't hide in your little workshop of yours forever, Avatars!

[Dr. Polaris, Still shooting More Missiles at Tedis Workshop, Demands him and his friends to come out and surrender] Now, How about you surrender to me, and I Promise that you and your friends will live happily when I take over (if I could just eliminate that Pesky Avatar for Once!)

[Just then, Dr. Polaris hears his name being called out by Tedi. He then sees Tedi, Johnathan, and Ava on Tedis Plane]

Tedi: Yo, Polaris, ever thought about Raining Bullets before!

[Out pop Guns on the sides of Tedis Plane, and Fire right at Dr. Polaris, as he struggles to dodge each and every one]

Dr. Polaris: [Grunts] SHIELD!!

[A Shield then forms on top of Dr. Polaris's ShellMobile]

Ava: [Curious] What's next Tedi?

Tedi: [Determined Look on his Face] Oh nothing, just so that I can do, THIS!

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