Episode 8: Rise Of Heart

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[The scene begins with the Chaos Stones sitting in order colors from when they found the all u order throughout their Adventure, right next to the Birdwatcher 2, which sits with a cover over it, still being under big repairs, a resilient symbol of the Avatars' unwavering spirit to save people.]

[Somewhere, far off in the sky, where a floating island named Ridge Island, starts falling on high horizons, as the farthest it falls, the more linear the air is from being very far. Suddenly, it the island closes in, and falls down into the ocean, right next to Aquatic Ruins.]

[We then see Dr. Polaris, making his way through the jungle of Aquatic Ruins in his busted up ShellMobile, while not even caring about the signal crash from Ridge Island. He then Monicules about Rocky, always defeating him one way or another.]

Dr. Polaris: Ooooh... I hate that Rocky! He always seems to get in the way of my plans! But I bet he can't foil my master plan. Even without the Chaos Stones I can still defeat him, no matter the cost of how big or terrifying my machines look!

[As he keeps making his way through the jungle, he suddenly Notices a piddle of fire moving towards him. Suddenly, it's body finally forms into what we know to him as Garza.]

Dr. Polaris: G-G-Garza!

[He suddenly walks up to him with an angry expression in his eyes, and behaviour. As Polaris tries to reaso with him, he comes even more closer, as his shadow shows the body language that make Polaris scared, as we close up on his shockedthen worth eyes, and Garza raises his Firey hand, and attacks Dr. Polaris, as he releases an agonizing scream.]

[We then cut to Johnathan, as he explores the already fell Ridge Island, standing in front of the shrine where the Master Stone lays, questioning himself, while walking up to where the Master Stone sits for years.]

Johnathan: This is where my ancestors first discovered the chaos Stones, and where the Master Stone belongs. But Ridge Island is still falling! This doesn't make any sense. Maybe... The Chaos Stones... that we got back with us... have something to do with what's happening. Maybe I'll try and take them to Rocky and the others for their advice.

[Suddenly, he hears a crash come from behind him, and notices Dr. Polaris lying on the ground, next to his ShellMobile.]

Johnathan: Polaris! What's he doing here?

[He then runs up to Polaris to see what's wrong, as he has never seen him so defeated when the mad doctor first tricked him years ago. As he approaches him, Polaris let's out a weak, and unreliable sentence to him.]

Dr. Polaris: This is terrible! Ga-Ga-Garza is........

Johnathan: Is what?

[Suddenly, Garza then appears as a fiery puddle, forms back into his body, approachs right up to Johnathan, as he turns around to see him, and Garza puts out an attack on him, as Johnathan releases an agonizing scream.]

[Cut to Rocky, who is relaxing in a nearby tree, chilling to himself after a long adventure.]

Rocky: -Yawns- I guess Polaris learned his lesson once again! Maybe I'll take another vacation somewhere else, or go out for some Pizza, just to get my mind off of the big Adventure.

[Suddenly, Tedi and Ava appear, as they run at home gig worried expressions on their faces.]

Tedi/Ava: Rocky, we've gotta tell you something!

Rocky: Hey there, Tedi and Ava. You find anything interesting around here?

Tedi: Never mind that. Get up and follow me. Ridge Island is falling.

Rocky: Huh, what's Ridge Island?

Tedi: It's a floating island that is powered by the Master Stone, which lives on a shrine that controls the ability for the whole island to stay high in the sky.

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