Episode 5: Clash with the A.I.N

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[The scene begins with the Avatars flying in the Birdwatcher 2, back to Delhi City after securing another Chaos Stone, and fighting off Dr. Polaris's Polaris Carrier. Inside the plane, they discuss their next moves.]

Rocky: [Excited] Alright, team, we've got the Chaos Stone, but we still need to find the others. Any leads on where to go next?

Ava: [Checking the sky] I've been watching for any unusual energy light last night, but it's still unclear. We might need to do some more research once we're back to the Workshop.

Johnathan: [Thoughtful] It's crucial we find the other stones before Polaris does. Time isn't on our side anymore.

Tedi: [Analyzing data on his PAD] Agreed. I seem to not he pickung any signs from the Chaos Stones. Do you think Polaris has... You know?

Rocky: [Clenching his fists] No, I don't think so. But if that madman was able to find those 3 Stones, then he must've found a way to find a way to do so.

Ava: [Worried] We can't afford any mistakes. We need to be more bad things happen—

[Before Ava can finish, the sound of Sirens, and Helicopters flying fills the streets of Delhi City, as hundreds of Military vehicles speeding with the police cars to what seems to be retreating to the Presidential House where the president lives in the city. The Birdwatcher 2's systems begin to glitch. Warning signs flash on the control panel.]

Tedi: [Curious] Woah, What's up?

Rocky: [Skeptical] I don't know, but whatever it is, its not looking good for how those vehicles were speeding.

[The team springs into action, flying the Birdwatcher 2 to the Presidential House, and catch up on why the speeding vehicles were hurrying so quickly.]

[After spotting where the Military vehicles, and the police cars outside of the house, they land the plane at the top of a building to take a good look on what's happening. Rocky them spots a sleek, high-tech Military vehicle with the emblem of A.I.N (Alliances of International Nations) can be seen.]

Rocky: [Curious] What's up with this kind of commotion here?

Tedi: [Skeptical] I don't know, but those are a lot of Police and Military cars here, it could he pretty urgent.

[We then see counts of police officers trying to back away the crowd from President Damian (The City's President). Many A.I.N Agents are also trying to back them away from him, as President Damian is trying to respond about the huge portal that opened up a couple of days ago, which is where the Avatars came from with Dr. Polaris in Episode 1.]

President Damian: [Addressing the crowd, his voice firm and determined] Ladies and gentlemen, I understand your concerns. The incident a few days ago with the portal and the appearance of these extraordinary beings that came from wherever they came from, and has raised questions and fears for us all. But I assure you, we are doing everything in our power to find these creatures, and understand this situation and ensure the safety of our city. But my theory states that they're not here to destroy us, but might.... Help us.

[A worried murmur ripples through the crowd. The Avatars exchange glances, realizing the gravity of the situation.]

Rocky: [Impatient] Ok that's it, I'm going In there!

Tedi: [Assuring] Rocky, I don't think thats a very good idea to-

[Before Tedi could finish what he was saying, Rocky swiftly runs from their spot, and to the Presidential House to speak with one of the Police officers, and the A.I.N Agents.]

Tedi: [Worried] Were in deep trouble.

[A tense atmosphere fills the air as Rocky approaches a police officer. His determination is palpable to communicate with them.]

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