Chapter 4- Winter Contingency: Rebels Dont Leave Plasma Burns

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"Contact, contact! Spartans, assist!" Noble One called out, prompting Noble Six to draw his M6G2 Magnum and nail the Skirmisher calling out to the Lance of Grunts it was leading.

"Here we go!" Noble Five yelled, laying down a suppressing fire to slow them down. Unfortunately there was more than enough cover for the Covenant forces to advance at an alarming speed.

"They're heading into the basement. Move down to the lower levels!" One's orders were executed with extreme efficiency as Six jumped down the stairwell and fired two shots, causing another two Skirmishers to have their brains paint the wall behind them a gory purple color. Six sprinted up to the last one and crushed its body between him and the concrete wall. As Noble Team engaged the Covenant forces outside the structure as a Lance of Grunts advanced on their position. 

"Banshees! Heads up, Charlie One!" the pilot of one of the Falcons called, Six looking up at the Covenant fighter vehicle. Noble Team cleared out the Covenant around the farm with liberal gunfire save Noble Six who used efficient accuracy. While the Falcon shoots down the Banshees, a Spirit dropship touched down across a nearby bridge and begins deploying troops.

"Noble Leader, enemy dropships inbound!" Noble Three's assistance from the Falcon was appreciated, as even despite the moving vehicle, he continued to take pot shots at the Grunts and Jackals.

"Falcon moving to assist," the pilot announced, swinging wide to allow Three to have a better angle. Noble Team moved across the bridge, eliminating the Covenant forces and brutally executing the first wave.

"Stand down, Noble, stand down. Contacts neutralized," Noble One ordered.

"Contacts? It's the damn Covenant!" Noble Five spat. Six had to agree, this wasn't your standard Insurrection extermination.

"Cheer up, big man: this whole valley just turned into a free-fire zone." Noble Four chuckled sadistically.

"With respect, Five is right. Noble One, orders?" Six asked, One nodding and leading Noble Team forward.

"Kat, we've got to warn Holland. I need you at that relay outpost now." One said.

"Boss, I'm showing more activity to the east!" Noble Three exclaimed. Six scowled, already knowing the fate of Reach. At best they would have to leave the planet. At worst... Earth was at risk. They could not afford to lose the fight here.

"Copy that, Jun, we're on it. Six, you've got point." Six nodded and took the lead past the creek. This time there was a General leading two Ultra Elites and a contingent of Ultra Grunts that were more than worthy targets for Six to remove. He directed Noble Team, with One's permission, to engage from the front as he sprinted around the side to get a straight shot at the General. In an instant, he jumped at the Elite and jammed a knife through it's shields and into the alien's neck. It's muffled death groans alerted the Ultra Elites to turn and fire on the previously unseen target before Two and One seized the opportunity to jam their own knives into the Elites' throats from behind.

"Commander, I'm seeing more hostile activity to the north-east." Since the ground forces seemed to be largely unaware of the situation, Noble One decided to split the team.

"Emile, you're with Kat. Six and I will run interference on the ground. We'll meet you at the outpost," One ordered.

"Noble Three, requesting air-lift. Over." As Noble Two got into the Falcon, Noble Six, Noble One, and Noble Five headed to a flatbed truck, with One taking the passenger seat and Five standing in the truck bed to use his gun as a makeshift turret while Six hopped into the driver's seat to hotwire the vehicle.

"Get to work, Noble." Noble One's order was executed with Noble Six putting the truck into drive and flooring the gas pedal. As the team approached the first building of note, Noble Three advised them of the contacts inside.

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