Back? Maybe? Hopefully? By the Gods!

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I know what you're thinking, and it's a bad idea.

What? I haven't said anything yet!

You want to go through and start editing existing chapters to try and tell a more grounded, realistic Noble 6.

... I can do better this time though!

That's what you said last time!

Alright jokes aside, I'm planning to return to this as soon as I can. Halo has been kind of... ruined for me. At least as a player. Story and lore wise I'm just as obsessed as ever. I've just not had a good experience with one of my friends. (Bro just fucking dominates me while actively not trying and I'm sweating my ass off just to reach half his score. I don't know if I'm bad, he's that good, or it's both. I keep saying I'm bad but who knows. My sensitivity isnt perfect either.) Also! New pc! That... I've had for a while... and probably already mentioned before... OH WELL! IM COMING BACK AND NOT EVEN DEATH CAN KEEP ME FROM FINISHING THIS!



I just activated an isekai flag, haven't I?

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