Document II: Meet The CG Quadro!

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 Recap on Document I, Starting Chemicals.

Astra sighs and makes a report about the first injection, Vaccination. Something all Class 1 experiments must have before actual testing. It will dull 70% of the pain. But can't dull headaches or tiredness.

She then took a sip of their drink (which she totally did not forget) and continued writing. She looks at the young boy who is sleeping. She prays to the animators and gods that they will spare his life from being shattered by those crazy scientists.

She then watched anime while waiting for the upcoming guests.





It was now dinner time. Two guards came in with a tray of average food for normal people/sticks. Astra thanked them as they left. She then turned on her mic and opening the speaker in TSC's cell/room.

"Wake up Orange Koala, dinner is here" Astra announced. turning off the mic and closing the speakers. TSC lazily got up from bed while rubbing his eyes(?). "That fast..?" TSC muttered. He then saw the tray of food.

"By the way, the group of C1s are gonna get here tomorrow morning. So im gonna wake you up at 7 or 8 okay?" Astra notified. "Why so early?" TSC asked while eating. Astra sighed and answered his question. "Because the delivery drivers insisted to drive them here overnight. Not getting any rest is concerning for our staffs. Now eat some food before the janitors turn off the lights."

TSC nodded and continued eating. He then finished shortly after. The same guards took the tray. The chemist can't help but feel pity for Second. But maybe he can help the other misunderstood Experiments. She isn't sure but she can hope for the best.






Next day, at 7 am

"Wake up Koala, the C1 group is here" Astra alarmed TSC. Who groggily gets up and rubbing his eyes like he just woke up from a small but great nap. "Who's here..?" TSC was instantly answered by curious gasps and pokes.

"what the-" "Wow! You're a hollow head!" The Green one exclaimed. The three looks at Second with curiosity. Circling him. "uh... Hi?" "Wait guys! We gotta introduce ourselves!" Blue exclaimed. Making the other two gasp.

"Oh my sticks you're right! Deepest apologies Friend! I'm Green! Best at music!" Green introduced first. "I'm Yellow! Blue's best friend and a Mechanic" Yellow grins at the mention of 'best friend'.

"I'm Blue! Yellow's best friend and the chemist of the group" Green drags the Red one. Who is quite annoyed and scared. "And this is Red! He has trust issues from the last test he had. But you and Red will get along juuusssstttt fine!" Green says. Red looks away from TSC and frowned.

"W-Well, I'm Second Coming. Second or Sec will do just fine"  He introduced. The four nodded. Now Yellow, Green, and Blue are asking a lot of questions. "that's a cool name! Are you new? I have never seen you before! Is your hollow head hollow or does it have some unknown solid that makes it touchable?"

Second tries his best to answer all of their questions. Mostly Yellow and Green. Red only watches over them and has his hand on some kind of pixel bow. So far, no fighting has happened. Making Astra sigh in relief. Red is still on guard in case something happens.

"you can interact with Sec Red. He isn't harmful. Look at your friends. They are enjoying talking to the new guy while you're just there. Waiting for something bad to happen. Please just talk to him. At least for your friends' sake" Astra told the hesitant C1. He then sighed and walks over to his friends.

" you like animals?" Red asked Sec hesitantly. The hollow head looks at him and smiles. "of course I love animals! I even have a pet cat at home. You and Gibby would get along but.. Y'know, we're stuck here" The four C1s continued to ask questions to the poor hollow head.

"alright #710-R, #710-B, #710-Y, #710-G, please refrain from asking more questions. #214 is slowly being overwhelmed here. You can ask more question tomorrow. For now, You four will be here until after lunch" Astra announced. Helping the hollow head calm down from the amount of questions.

"Awwww! I wanna stay here though! There isn't much to do in our single cell anyway" Blue whined. Green patted his back while sighing in disappointment. He also hoped to stay here but they are only here for testing.

"We'll come back here again soon! We'll just need to wait" Yellow reassured his best friend. Second watches them while feeling bad for them. They can't stay here huh? Second looks at the speakers and decided to ask. "Hey Dr. Williams?" Astra opens up the speakers.

"Yeah?" "Is there a chance that they can stay in my cell?" Astra was surprised by that question. from what she manage to get information from the internet, he likes to sleep more and loves quiet places. So this is a big change of events.\

"Of course they can stay. Though i must sign a contract that I will take any responsibility of any out come from you five" The four C1s are crying as they thanked Second. The four hugged Second tightly as tears streamed down from their eyes.

"H-Hey! Calm down! I know you guys are thankful and all but let me breathe!" Second yelled. Making the four let go of him. "Sorry.." Red muttered. Second smiles reassuringly. "It's fine! But don't squeeze me to the point i can't breathe" He huffed. 

Astra smiles as the five continued to talk about random things. It's been a while since the four were staying in the cell. A few guards entered the cell to put it items from their old cells from time to time but most of the day, they kept talking and talking.

She never thought that letting the four stay in #214's cell would leave a huge impact to them. She smiles more when they all laughed. It's like watching your siblings/kids have fun like you used to back then.

Sadly the moment was ruined when Dr. Esther came in the observatory room with their usual stoic and serious look. They are probably here to question about the contract. "What is with this.. 'update' from Beta-155?" Astra sighed and turned their chair. Looking at them with annoyance.

"I agreed to let the four C1s to stay in this cell. And no, I'm not doing tis out of pity, It's because I wanted to. I will take any responsibility from those five. Even if it costs my own life. Now go fuck off" Astra answered with a hint of aggressiveness and annoyance.

Esther rolled their eyes and walked near the auto doors. "Do know that this will have consequences. And death will be one of them. But i won't stop you. I'm just warning you for the future problems" Esther then left Astra with a contemplating look.

"I don't give a shit anyway.." Astra muttered. She turned their chair again. Getting their pen and folder, she started to write down their report of today's events. She knew the consequences. It happened to [Redacted]. And it resulted them as a corrupted Researcher. Also making them as an F.E.

But like she said, she don't give a single flying fuck about the consequences. She will try to make Second's life in this hell more easier than others. Astra started to write down their report while looking after the five. She smiled once more when she saw them hanging out like nothing happened to them. Especially Red.

She sighed and continued to make the report for today. She hopes for the best tomorrow. Because she just casted a curse upon herself just for them.

nothing much to say. Tomorrow is my birthday though! Hope everyone's day goes smoothly and normal! Hope you guys enjoy this AU btw! We'll meet again on another chapter!

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