Chapter 2

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After a long walk we went to Justin's apartment, it was small and messy, I didn't mind though. But Justin did, as soon as we were inside he started cleaning as fast as he could, I started to clean off the tables, I moved my arm, a expensive looking vase fell, without thinking, I did a odd hand motion, a firey portal appeared under the vase as it was about to fall, the vase went through and ended up and the table 

"What the hell?" I whispered under my breath, Justin looked more amazed then I did, i suddenly felt extremely tired, I fell backwards, and Justin caught me

"My head, it hurts" he carried me bridal style to the couch,  I closed my eyes and tried to relax, my energy came back quickly, just watched me carefully, I stood up and continued to clean 

"So your going to act like that didn't just happen?" He asked 


"Aren't you curious" 

"Nope! You know why? Because I have this ability but I can't control it! Watch!"

I attempted to move a pile of trash out side, I made a small portal, it began to shrink until it was gone


"Ya I get it, but why are you so grumpy all the sudden?" 

"After I do this I get a huge migraine of voices" 

"Okay.. I'll stop talking" 

"Thanks Justin ... Shush!" 

"But I wasn't saying anything?" 

He gasps dramatically "Does that mean you can read minds?" He looks extremely embarrassed 

"I guess? Look at that! Its gone!"

I continue cleaning, I decide to change subjects 

"So where is a hotel I can stay at?" 

"You can stay here" 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yep" I give him a big hug. 

"Thank you"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A Few Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It's midnight, I'm wearing one of Justin's shirts, he's gone to his room and I'm at the couch, I sigh softly as I pull out my phone to call dad, again I was sent to voice mail, tears stream down my face, as I start to leave a message 

"Hey dad, you must be really busy, but when you want to pick me up, I'm waiting. Ok bye love you" I decide to look at the news 

"Hello it's Katie Killjoy" 

"And Tom Trench" 

"And we will be talking about a freak that's on the streets!" A picture of me shows up in the right corner, Tom talks again 

"Wow, Katie she really is a freak!" 

"Yes Tom, she is. What's wrong with her? Well, some believe she's the daughter of Belphegor" 

"Like the king of the sloth ring?" 

"Yes Tom! She has been walking around the city with a hellhound called Justin Pound!" 

"Well if the daughter of Belphegor is running around, than we might me doomed!" 

"I know Tom! There are bounties out sent by Belphegor himself!" 

"He wants to kill his own daughter?" 

"That's what I just said Tom!" I turn it off, I look in the mirror, The candle flickers, and so does the flame at my tail, my glowing blue eyes stare right back at me, I look at the pictures of Justin, in all of them he looks happy, his white fur with black spots, his emerald green eyes filled with happiness, why couldn't I have a normal life, with normal fur, and normal parents who love me. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I grab it and throw it to the ground, 


"Oh my god! Are you alright? I'm sorry I'll go"

Justin stands up, "Damn, you don't look like it but your really strong" 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!" 

"I'm fine! You didn't hurt me" 

"why are you risking your life? There's a bounty for my head right now!" 

"Because you needed help" 

"That can't be the reason, is it money? Cause I don't have money" 

"I helped you, because at one point I was the same" 

"You were a pathetic disgrace to your family?" 

"No my family was dead,  I was out on the streets, until they adopted me" he shows me a picture of 5 imps a older male, and a older woman, with 3 little imps 2 boys and a girl running around the circus 

"They saved me, and made me a part of the family, father never liked me, but the rest of them did, eventually mom died, and dad made me leave, but I'll never forget the memories I had" 

"I'm sorry, I haven't been myself since dad sent me to get milk, left me for dead, and then put a bounty up for my head"

Even in the dark I can see his happy emerald eyes 

"I'm going to go to work! I'm going to leave you with prince Stolas" 

"Oh I know him! He doesn't know me, dad always kept me in my room when goetias came over" 

"Well you'll be fine!" He goes into another room to call him.

~A Few Minutes Later~

Justin drove me to Stolas's house 

"We are here!" Justin announced as I got out of the car, we walking up to the mansion, Justin rang the doorbell. A tired looking owl opens the door 

"What do you want?" 

"Can you please watch Martha?" 

"She's an adult, she can watch herself" 

"Not when her dad wants her dead" 

"Won't matter to me" a smaller female owl is behind him 

"Dad? Who is it?" 

"No one my star fire, go back upstairs" 

"Is that... Martha?" My ears perk to the sound of my name 


"Martha! It's been so long!" 

"Sorry Via, she's not staying" 

"Please dad?" 

"Fine, only for today" I look at Justin, and my smile fades 

"You will come pick me up right?" 

"Of course! I'm not going to leave you" 

Martha Anoshi: A Light in the Dark (A helluva boss OC story)Where stories live. Discover now