Chapter 10

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"I love vodka and that's the only reason I'm here" I told Justin again 

"I know, but at least try to have fun" 

"I'll have fun if I get drunk" 

"I definitely don't want to drive a drunk hellhound home, the last time that happened I almost lost an eye" 

"Sure you did" 

"I did! It was bloody and gross!" He goes on the explains about it, he pull up to a weird looking building. Cotton candy is everywhere. 

"No way my man! Justin!" A male hellhound runs up to us with a female hellhound I can only imagine as Bee

"Hey Vortex! This is my girlfriend Martha" I reach my hand out for a hand shake but instead I get pulled into a hug, Justin introduces himself to Bee

"So... Your Beelzebub" she looks at me confused 

"I never told you my full name" 

"Sorry, You came over all the time to have meetings with my dad, Belphegor" 

"Your Belphegors daughter, huh?" 

"Unfortunately, anyway I was promised vodka, so if you could give me a push to the right direction I would appreciate it" 

"Alright" she points to a cooler, I grab a bottle and down it, everyone starts forming a circle around me. I grab another 

"Watch as I empty another bottle of perfect alcohol!" I chug bottle after bottle until the coolers empty, an imp I recognize as Blitzo walks up to me 

"Hey f*ckface! I didn't know you had a crazy side" 

"I have more then just a crazy side! Hahahaha watch this!" I make a portal under myself and I portal across the building, blitzos mind goes straight to horses as I portal

"I like horses too" 

"How the fuck did you know that?!" 

"Your mind tells secrets about yourself that you barely knew, do you want to see something cooool" 

"What kind of cool?" 

"The deadly kind" 

"F*ck yeah! I'm in!" I look at too hell hounds that are making out, they begin fighting each other and yelling 

"See that? I did that!" 


"I just made them believe a lie" 

"You have talent, would you like to work for I.M.P?" 

"Sure, I could use a job, and it's something I'm good at!" 

"What? Killing people" 

"No, manipulation, destruction, ruining lives" 

"Okay, perfect! I'll go tell Layla and loona the news" 

"Oh good, I'm going to find Justin" 

After an hour of looking I found Justin, he was chilling with a beer

"Hey Candle!" He beckoned for me to join him and his friends

"So guys this is my girlfriend, Martha" 

"So the playboy found someone" A sexy feminine voice said, a bunch of females followed behind

"Don't be mad Fiona, its not my fault you thought one night meant a full term relationship" 

"You just never change" 

"Neither do you, to that pimple on your forehead to your horrible shoes" 

"How dare you!" 

"Anyway! Martha are you having fun?" 

"Ya I think. I got a new job! Isn't that good!" 

"That's great! What is it?" 


"Oh? So you'll be going to the human world more often?" 

"I guess?" 

"And you'll be away for long periods of time?" 

"You'll be fine! I can always text you" 

"I'm not sure" 

"Do you want me to be happy?" 

"Of course I do!" 

"Then let me have this job" 

"Fine if your going away for a while then you've got to text me" 

"Yeah sounds good" 

"And if they hurt you then I will kill them" 

A few hours after we started dancing on the dance floor and I found more vodka, and tried something called whiskey, that was new, it wasn't as strong as vodka and wasn't even half as good. 

Bee and Blitzo had a challenge, I had a challenge with Bee, which I won easily, and then Blitzo and I had a challenge which ended in a draw. 

"Justin! Come dance!" He rolled his eyes and slumped over to me, I danced until my body went numb and my feet are bloody. Bee and loona started fighting

"Do you want to go?" Justin asked me 

"Fuck no!" Bee walked up to me

"Hey, maybe it would be best, your giving off bad vibes" 

"Well you just fought with loona and made a scene"

"Justin, bring her home" 

"Of course, I was afraid of this happening" 

"Then WHY would you bring me here?" 

"To see if you could control your self" 

I frown as we go into the car, I stare out the window

"I'm sorry"

"For what?" 

"Making you feel embarrassed, and making you leave"

"I was getting tired anyway" he took my hand as I took a nap, he carried me into his bed

"Night Candle" 


Martha Anoshi: A Light in the Dark (A helluva boss OC story)Where stories live. Discover now