Chapter 21

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I yawn and look around, I'm at some rich ball with Noir and Christatus, I notice Stolas, and Stella, I immediately notice Layla and some other Goetia. I sigh and grab Noir's arm

"Hey, I- I'm going to get a drink"

He nods and smiles softly, he mumbles something and I walk away. I sigh and walk to the bar, I grab a bottle of vodka from the bar and continue walking around, I take a long swig and sit down, a goetia looks down at me

"Shouldn't you be serving drinks, mutt?" I glare at him, I feel furious 

"Shouldn't you be minding your own fucking business" I storm off and grab Noir, I feel a rush of memories from him, including his plans to betray me, I can't believe it, the guy I was actually starting to like was planning on selling me to my father. I step back and leave not saying another word. Justin was right.

I go through the contacts on my phone, I sigh and cry softly

I sit in the alleyway where I met Justin. The rain pours on me, I'm right where I started. I can feel my flames flicker and slowly start dying, I rush to the only person I know who might be able to help me. I knock on the door

"Justin? I know I've been an ass, and I'm sorry, please let me in" I hear a groan a thunk then a sigh, he opens the door 

"Admit you were wrong" he demands, he's wearing shorts and a tank top. His tail is tucked in between his legs, he. I sigh and roll my eyes

"Fine. I... I was wrong ok? I screwed up!" He laughs and lets me in, I rush in and shiver, still wearing the soaking wet clothes. I sigh and shake my fur off

"I have something to tell you... I'm sorry about that chick... she was an accident it's not what was supposed to happen. I'm going to be honest, I was drunk, and upset, and I k so it's not an excuse. Please forgive me" he sounds genuine but I can't be sure, I sigh

"Yeah... I guess we could be friends if you'd like" He raises and eyebrow and extends his hand for a handshake, I take it and he pulls me into a hug

"I missed you so fucking much Candle" he smiles softly and rests his chin in between my ears. The rest of the night was silent rather than the occasional chatter or the sound of clothes rustling

I wake up on the bed, Justin's arms tightly wrapped around me. I slip out of his grasp and start a warm bath. I strip down and carefully step in, I cautiously rest my tail of of the tub, I use my phone to turn on some music and I relax.  

A/N: hey guys! I know short chapter. Might continue this book might make a sequel. Anyway! I want you guys to have a sneak peek. Cause of... dramaaaaaa

New P.O.V:

I was in my room, in the basement of a building that was once a school, now a prison, a place that had been a refuge for many, many years for me and my friends. A place I had spent most of my life in. My friends were all in jail. All of my family members were either in prison or dead. There was no hope for anyone else. We were a group of friends who were trying, one by one and in small groups, to survive. To survive. Not just survive, survive as best we could, because that's what we had to survive on, we were going into this world alone and we didn't even have a name for it, or a plan for how to go out of it and get out. So, the only plan we really had was, as a team, how to live. How to keep our sanity and our humanity.

The demon in me was screaming, screaming for the end of this. My friends were all screaming and crying, too, as if it were their last chance to live. So we did.

The demon that came to us, the one that would become the demon of this story, was not here.

I feel her stalking my every move, waiting, watching, learning, waiting for the potential opportunity to attack. 

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