Ch.4 The Familiar Stranger

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Two years had passed, yet for Hanbin, not a day had gone by without thinking of Scarlett. He never heard from her again after the night of the finals. When he finally had the time to meet up with other dancers who also knew Scarlett, he found out that she had returned to LA alone. Whenever he visited the US during tours and concerts, he would try extra hard to scan all the faces of the audience, hoping to see that one familiar face.

The members of Zerobaseone were preparing for their last comeback, but the team was very low-spirited. None of them wanted to part ways with each other. They had become a family and they valued their team above anything else.

Hanbin: Guys, I know we're downhearted because it's our last. But because it's our last, we should work even harder to make an unforgettable and legendary comeback for Zerose and for ourselves.

Gunwook: Hanbin hyung is right. We should lift our spirits and prepare the best comeback ever.

Hanbin then held out a fist. The others followed him and held out their fists too.

Hanbin: Let's show them what we got!

ZB1: Zerobaseone Yeah!

Hanbin: Okay, let's have a look at the choreography video for our title song.

Everyone watched the video attentively, so no one noticed Hanbin's unnatural reaction.

A tiny section of the choreography reminded him of the duo piece that he and Scarlett created  for the talent show three years ago. He recognised her style of choreography - even though her artistry and skills matured, the essence was still there.

His heart raced and his breathing became heavy. He had lost his ability to analyse the choreography or memorise any steps. He was basically just staring at the screen at that point.

Gyuvin: Manager-nim, who choreographed the dance this time?

Jiwoong: It's so well-made.

Manager: It's by a rising choreographer from LA, Red.

"It really just means 'red'," she once told him.

Matthew: Red?

Taerae: You've heard of Red?

Matthew: If she's who I think she is, she has gained a reputation in the American dancing community. And I've heard that she's actually Korean.

Hanbin: Are you sure Red is a girl?

Matthew: I'm pretty sure.

Manager: You'll get to meet her sometime this weekend. She'll come to give you guys some feedback and touch up your performance.

Jiwoong: Hanbin-ah, are you okay? You're shaking.

Hanbin: Yes... I'm okay, Hyung.

Hanbin looked 'Red' up later that day. Although he couldn't find a photo of her, looking at her background and choreographies, he was almost certain 'Red' was Scarlett. He practised harder than ever, and patiently awaited the day to finally meet her again.

Manager: Please prepare yourselves. Red-nim will be here anytime.

Hanbin: Okay, let's go over what we've practised one more time.

Hanbin gave some final feedback to his members after going through the dance. What he didn't notice was that someone had been observing him through the tiny glazing on the door.

Tears welled up in her eyes, yet a tender smile formed on her face. A staff member was going to open the door for her and let her into the practice room, but she stopped him.

Red | Sung Hanbin ZB1Where stories live. Discover now