Ch.5 It's Been A While

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Scarlett looked at the members with a satisfied expression.

Scarlett: There really isn't anything I could comment on, you outperformed my expectations. Y'all must have practised really hard. I don't think I'll need to come back again.

Gyuvin: No, Noona you have to keep monitoring us!

The members formed a strong bond with Scarlett as they spent practice sessions together.

Scarlett: I bought you guys some food and drinks. Please eat well so you have enough energy for your comeback!

ZB1: Thank you!

Hao: Let's eat together, you've worked hard as much as we did.

Jiwoong: That's right, we haven't really spent time together outside of practice.

Scarlett: Alright, thank you hehe.

Taerae: Scarlett, how long will you be staying in Seoul for?

Scarlett: I don't have plans to go back to LA yet.

Ricky: Have you lived in LA for your whole life?

Scarlett: No, I actually lived in Korea for a few years before I went back to LA to study dance and choreography.

Yujin: What made you decide to come back to Korea?

Scarlett: Because I wanted to choreograph for ZB1?

ZB1: Eiiii

She told the truth in a joking manner.

Scarlett: Please excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom.


When Scarlett came out of the bathroom, she saw Hanbin standing outside.

Hanbin: Can we talk for a bit?

Hanbin then led Scarlett into an empty practice room.

Hanbin: How have you been?

Scarlett: I'd say... I've been living diligently, I guess?

Hanbin: It's nice to see you again. You really kept your promise - achieved your dream and became a professional choreographer. And as expected from you, the choreography was a masterpiece.

Scarlett: I did try hard to keep up with your footsteps.

Hanbin: You did really well.

He complimented her in a tone with warmth and approval.

Hanbin: The pre-chorus part in the choreography though, I think I deserve a bit of credit.

Scarlett: So you did recognise it.

Hanbin: How could I not? It was one of my proudest performances. I recognised it the first time I watched the choreography.

His words made them reminisce the good old days, and there was a change in atmosphere.

Hanbin: I missed you, Jiwoo-ya.

She trembled as she heard the once familiar voice gently call her name. Tears were threatening to fall once again.

Scarlett: Sorry, I was selfish when I chose to leave three years ago... But if I was given the chance again, I'd still make the same choice. During this time, I grew a lot as a choreographer, and it also made me listen to my heart and realise what I really wanted.

Hanbin: There's no need to apologise, Jiwoo. You chose what's best for you, and that was exactly what you should have done.

Scarlett: Have you found someone? You must be popular among girl idols.

Red | Sung Hanbin ZB1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora