Flames Eternal

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 "We gather beneath the open sky today, not merely to mourn the loss of a fellow Hashira, but to celebrate the life of a warrior whose flames illuminated our path and hearts."


The news of Hashira Rengoku's tragic sacrifice spread like wildfire through the Demon Slayer Corps, casting a shadow of grief and admiration over its members. Rengoku, the valiant Flame Hashira, had fallen in the line of duty, leaving a void that seemed impossible to fill. In the wake of this heartrending loss, the Demon Slayers gathered to pay their respects in a somber ceremony organized by Mitsuri Kanroji, the Love Hashira.

Amidst a serene field adorned with flowers of vibrant hues, the sun's gentle rays illuminated the assembly, casting an air of solemnity over the scene. Mitsuri stood at the forefront, her radiant presence a stark contrast to the melancholy that lingered in the air. Her heart was heavy with the weight of the moment, but her determination to honor Rengoku's memory burned like an unquenchable flame.

As the breeze whispered through the petals, Mitsuri's voice carried a delicate strength as she began the ceremony.

In the midst of the crowd stood Naomi, her heart aching with the mixture of sorrow and reverence for the fallen Hashira. Her icy determination had been tempered by Rengoku's fiery spirit, and she knew that she had a duty to honor his legacy.

Mitsuri's gaze swept over the assembly, her voice a soft melody laden with emotion. "Rengoku's valor and resolve were unparalleled. He faced the darkness head-on, his flames a beacon of hope that guided us through even the darkest of nights."

Naomi listened with rapt attention, her respect for Rengoku's unwavering courage growing with every word. She felt a kinship with his legacy, a shared commitment to safeguarding humanity from the malevolent forces that threatened their existence.

"His sacrifice," Mitsuri's voice wavered briefly, "serves as a reminder that our bonds as Demon Slayers are unbreakable. Rengoku's unwavering dedication to his duty is a legacy that will guide us through the challenges that lie ahead."

As the ceremony progressed, Naomi's heart swelled with the realization that their journey was far from over. Rengoku's sacrifice had forged a path, a guiding light that would lead them through the darkness that still loomed on the horizon. She felt a responsibility to honor his memory by fighting with the same unwavering courage that he had exhibited until his last breath.

When the time came for the attendees to share their thoughts, Naomi stepped forward, her determination unshaken. She faced her comrades, each one carrying the burden of shared grief and a collective promise to remember their fallen hero. She took a steadying breath, her voice a reflection of the strength that Rengoku's legacy had instilled in her.

"Rengoku wasn't just a Flame Hashira," Naomi's words carried the weight of her admiration and gratitude. "He was a symbol of unyielding courage, a testament to the fact that even in the face of insurmountable odds, our resolve can burn brighter than any flame."

A hushed silence settled over the crowd as they listened to her words, each syllable echoing the truth they all held in their hearts. "His strength wasn't limited to his mastery of flames, but extended to his unshakeable spirit, his unwavering dedication to our cause, and the way he inspired each one of us to surpass our own limits."

Naomi's gaze turned skyward, as if seeking Rengoku's presence among the clouds. "Though he's no longer with us in body, his legacy lives on in the hearts of all those he touched. Let us honor his memory by continuing to fight with the same courage, determination, and unity that he embodied."

A wave of agreement rippled through the gathering, a silent vow to uphold the principles that Rengoku had embodied throughout his life. Mitsuri's eyes shone with understanding and pride as she nodded at Naomi, acknowledging the torch of responsibility that had been passed on.

As the ceremony neared its end, each Demon Slayer released a flower into the wind, a symbolic gesture of remembrance and gratitude for Rengoku's ultimate sacrifice. The petals danced on the breeze, a poignant representation of the collective strength of their shared resolve.

Naomi stood alongside her comrades, her heart heavy with the weight of their shared grief and the unspoken vow to carry Rengoku's legacy forward. His flames might have been extinguished, but the fire of his determination would forever burn within each of them, a testament to the enduring power of courage, unity, and selfless sacrifice.

She carried the weight of Rengoku's flames within her.

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