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'I hate you.' Naomi concluded.


Frustration seethed in Naomi's voice as she lunged at Douma, her strikes met with his elusive grace. "You won't escape me, Douma! I'll make sure you pay for all the lives you've destroyed!"

 His eerie chuckle danced through the air, his words dripping with cruelty. "You're eager to land a hit, aren't you? But don't worry, little demon slayer. I'll make time for you soon enough."

Shinobu's voice carried a mix of sorrow and determination as she faced Douma. "Kanae's death won't be in vain. I'll avenge her and end your reign of terror, even if it costs me everything."

As the battle raged on, their voices interwove with the clash of blades and the crackling of demonic energy. Naomi's frustration burned hotter with each dodge, her anger fueled by the torment Douma inflicted upon her friends.

In the midst of the chaos, Douma's words bore a sinister promise, a reminder that he was the puppeteer orchestrating their fate. And then came the moment of reckoning, as his blood demon art encased Naomi in a prison of ice. The cold tendrils constricted around her, and she fought against the suffocating grip with a defiant glare.

As the battle raged on, Naomi could feel the weight of desperation in the air. Shinobu's poisons, usually so effective, seemed to have no effect on Douma. Each attempt to wound him was met with his eerie smile. Naomi's heart clenched as she watched, her respect for Shinobu's strength growing even in the face of such overwhelming odds.

Then came the moment that would forever haunt her nightmares. Douma's maniacal laughter filled the chamber as he closed the distance between himself and Shinobu. His movements were almost dance-like, a twisted choreography that left Shinobu's strikes fruitless. The agony of their struggle was etched across her face, a testament to her determination to avenge her sister.

As Douma released her lifeless form, Naomi's heart pounded in her chest, the mixture of rage and grief nearly overwhelming. The cruelty she had witnessed was beyond comprehension, and her trembling hands clenched into fists. Her voice wavered with a mixture of sorrow and fury. "Shinobu..."

A sinister smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he held Shinobu's broken form in his arms. His voice dripped with mockery as he gazed down at her. "Pathetic, really. Your determination is almost laughable, Shinobu. You cling to revenge like a drowning insect clutching at straws."

Shinobu's pained gasps filled the air, her shattered body a testament to her unyielding will. But Douma's grip remained firm, and his tone turned taunting. "You were willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of revenge. How noble, how utterly human. But in the end, your efforts were for naught."

With a final, chilling squeeze, Douma twisted Shinobu's broken form, her lifeless eyes staring up at him in a haunting tableau of death. The emptiness in his gaze contrasted with the twisted satisfaction in his smile. "You see, Shinobu, determination is a fragile thing. It can't save you from the inevitable."

A grotesque fusion of triumph and sadism danced in Douma's eyes as he held Shinobu's lifeless body in his embrace. The macabre scene before him seemed to satisfy his sinister desires. "You fought so valiantly, my dear Shinobu. It's only fitting that you become a part of something greater."

As his fingers traced over her broken form, a sickly aura enveloped them both. It was as if the very essence of Shinobu was being drawn out, tendrils of energy intertwining and merging with his own. The act was one of vile consumption, a perversion of life and death that sent a chill down the spines of all who bore witness.

Naomi's eyes widened, the horror of the moment searing into her consciousness. She felt a mix of anger, grief, and sheer disgust at the sight before her. Douma's cruelty knew no bounds, and his macabre fascination with absorbing his victims was a testament to the depth of his depravity.

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