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Giyu and Sanemi, the last remaining pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps, made their way to the final Hashira meeting. The weight of their losses, the fallen comrades and the trials they had faced, hung heavy in the air as they approached the place where their fellow Hashiras once convened.

The meeting hall was somber, a reflection of the losses the Corps had suffered in their battle against the demons. Empty seats that once held powerful and determined warriors served as a stark reminder of the sacrifices made. The atmosphere was one of both mourning and determination - a testament to the resilience of those who had survived.

Giyu and Sanemi took their seats, their expressions a mix of weariness and unwavering resolve. The absence of their fallen comrades was felt keenly, but they knew that their duty to protect humanity from demons remained unchanged.

As the meeting began, the surviving Hashiras recounted their battles, their losses, and the strategies that had led to their hard-won victory. Each story was a testament to their strength, their dedication, and the bond that united them as a Corps.

In their eyes, there was a spark of hope - the hope that the sacrifices made were not in vain, that their efforts had made a difference in the world. It was a bittersweet gathering, a moment to honor the fallen and to look towards the future with a renewed determination.

As the meeting concluded, Giyu and Sanemi exchanged a silent glance. They had faced unimaginable challenges, endured unthinkable losses, and yet they remained standing. Their resolve had been tested, their hearts had been scarred, but they had not wavered.

Walking out of the meeting hall, they carried with them the memories of their fallen comrades and the weight of their responsibility as Hashiras. But finally,

Their journey as hashiras came to an end.


{[A/n]:- Not me completing this story. This is how jobless I am. Anyways hope you enjoyed the book. I might begin another one today lol. <3}

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