14: Emotional Support

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double update cause i disappeared 😭

Word Count: 739

*a few days later*

"Channie hyung, please..." Minho whimpers, trying to tighten his grip on Chan's jaw. "Be patient baby, I can't start right away. I don't wanna hurt you," Chan says, as he continues licking and sucking on Minho's nipple. "Mmh, please h-hurry h-hyungie," Minho trails off, melting under Chan's touch.

"LEE FUCKING MINHO, COME DOWN THIS INSTANT!!" Eunhee's voice booms throughout the house as Minho flinches, tears pooling his eyes. "Minnie, let's-" "N-No, h-hyungie please. I don't wanna g-go, it hurts so bad," Minho says between sobs and breaks into tears.

"Baby we'll be done with this in an instant, 'kay? I promise I'll do whatever my kitten says then, please?" Chan says, looking at Minho fondly. Minho quiets down, looking at Chan with teary eyes and a blurry vision. "O-Okay. Only for you hyung," Minho says and sniffles.

Chan smiles and kisses Minho's forehead. He gets off the chair and picks Minho's shirt from the floor, making the younger wear it. Minho puts his shirt on and wipes his eyes and sniffles before getting off the chair.

The couple walk downstairs to look at Eunhee sitting on the couch with her head in her hands. "E-Eun-nh-hee?" Minho stutters as he looks at the girl who was fuming, her face ears and neck was visibly red and her eyes were raging with fire.

"Do you not know how much this means to me?" She says in a sarcastic tone, holding up a silver necklace with a dog tag and a black heart shaped locket. "I-I kn-know." "And you still chose to lose it? On the FUCKING SIDEWALK?!" Eunhee yells, making the older boy flinch as he nears his breakdown.

Minho feels the tears burning at the back of his throat as his vision turns blurry due to the tears pooling his eyes. "I-I didn't- I didn't lo-lose it," Minho says and hiccups, trying to blink back the tears in his eyes.

"Oh, yeah? Well Seungmin told me, Seokjin hyung saw you and Jeongin walking together outside his office and this was lying behind where you two were walking. And of course, he recognised it was mine. There's my fucking picture in it."

"Jeong- sob Jeongin m-must've lo-" the older boy was cut off by the tears streaming down his face as he broke down. Chan walks to his side, rubbing his back comfortingly (is that a word 💀). "Shh, it's fine baby. You're okay, you didn't do anything wrong. Don't cry," Chan says as he places a soft peck on the side of the younger's head.

"Nothing wrong? He fucking lost my necklace Christopher! You know how much this means to me!" Eunhee yells. "Bang Eunhee if you don't shut your fucking mouth right now, I'm going to make this hard for you. Don't you dare yell at my boyfriend when it isn't even his fault," Chan fumes, looking at Eunhee with dark eyes.

"Oh really? Whose fault is it then? Mine?" "Yes, it's your fault. You were the one who was overly generous to give your necklace to Jeongin. And even if he did want to get a similar one made, it's your responsibility to take care of your valuables. Minho has nothing to do with this. He saw Jeongin near the pool after his swimming class so he just talked to him and dropped him home. Don't you dare blame him for your irresponsible attitude Bang Eunhee."

Chan picks Minho up in his arms and makes his way back to their room.

Eunhee POV
Shit, I fucked up. I quickly take my phone out of my pocket and dial Changbin's number. Please pick up, please pick up. I tap my foot in anticipation as I wait for him to accept the call.

"Hello?" I suck in a deep breath before replying,"Hey, um Binnie are you home? Can I come right now?" "Yeah, sure. What's the matter?" He asks in a calm voice. "Just- something happened. I could really use some emotional support at the moment. I'll be there in five." "Huh? What hap-" "See you, bye," I say and decline the call.

I huff and run my hands through my hair after keeping my phone in my pocket. I go to my study, grab my car keys and leave for his house.

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