22: Norway?

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Word Count: 1119

"Felix, stop lazing around and help me pick an outfit!" Jisung yells at the freckled boy who was laying on the older's bed, his face shoved in the cushions.

"You know Jisung, it was so much better when you and Eunhee were just friends. You're constantly dressing up for her now. And not to mention your trash fashion sense. I always have to pick outfits for you," Felix says and rolls his eyes.

"Stop fucking complaining and help me choose an outfit, fucker," Jisung snickers. "Ugh, fine."

"Okay so uh, wear your black cargo pants with this white tank top and I'll bring you one of my leather jackets. And uh, you don't have platform shoes or heavy boots do you?" "I don't," Jisung says, shaking his head.

"Wear mine then. And I'll bring you some chains for the pants, yeah? I'm positive she'll love the outfit," Felix says and winks at Jisung. "Now hurry we've to pick the Hwangs on the way too!"

*Time Skip*

Eunhee POV
"Girl you look so hot. Jisung's gonna die, for real," Changbin says as I laugh. "Damn, Binnie. You're such a flirt." "No I swear! And anyway I can't be flirting with you. I'm gay bro," Changbin says as Seungmin, Hannah and I burst out laughing.

I look around the club and settle my gaze at the door, waiting for a certain someone. The door opens multiple times, but of course, Jisung coming in at the first would make it clichè. Author, you are so smart. (a.n hehe thanks eunie)

And as if on cue, the door opens and enters an ethereal looking squirrel, who makes me wanna mark him all over and make him mine.

Eunhee, control your hormones.

He spots us and waves his hand up in the air with a smile.

The crop top is showing his waist, that's so beautiful. Wait- stop acting like a pervert, Eunhee!

"Hey guys!" "Yo Jisung," Changbin greets him with a fist bump. "Hey angel," I greet him as he greets me back with a chaste kiss on my lips.

3rd Person POV
"So," Seungmin starts,"School beating our asses, huh?" He says with a playful smirk. "Definitely, dude. The bitchass teachers don't even let us breathe," Felix rolls his eyes. "I know right! Mr Jung's the best one. Even though he's strict when teaching a choreo, he's good with the students," Yeji says, swiping her hair back.

Wow, she's so be pretty, Felix thinks as he stares at the girl, in a daze. "Felix?" Hyunjin calls out to the aussie, breaking him out of his trance, Felix clears his throat as he looks at Hyunjin. "I-I must've z-zoned out. S-sorry."

"Aw, its fine, Lix! I was just asking who your favorite teacher is! " Hyunjin says in an aegyo voice as everyone cringes. "I can see why Minho wants to stuff tissues in his mouth," Eunhee says as she looks at Hyunjin with ⬇️ face.

"Shut up. So, who's your favoute teacher Lix?" "Mr Jung, of course." "Really? I prefer Miss Momo," Hyunjin says as he orders a drink from the bar.

"You know, Min's favoriter dance teacher is Miss Manoban. She's very nice to him," Hannah says as she gulps down a shot. "Aye, you know, I heard Mr Jung and Miss Momo have a little something going on. Imagine what their ship name would be– Hoseok and Momo, Homo," Changbin says and everyone laughs.

"No, but like, for real there's Norway-" "Norway? How's Norway connected to Mr Jung and Miss Momo?" Hyunjin questions as he tilts his head in confusion. "You dumbass. She has an Australian accent. She was saying no way," Seungmin says and flicks Hyunjin's forehead.

"Continue, Eun." "Yeah, so as I was saying, there's no way Miss Momo and Mr Jung are together. That's a silly rumor. 'Cause I saw Mr Jung flirting with Yoongi hyung the other day," Eunhee says and everyone gasps. "Damn Eunhee. Where'd you get the tea from?" Yeji asks the older girl as she smirks. "It's a secret," she says and winks at Yeji.

"Hey Jisung, who's your favorite teacher?" Yeji asks the boy. "Huh?" "Your favorite teacher?" "Uhh, I guess it's Miss Park, Park Chaeyoung, the vocal teacher. She's nice," Jisung says as he rests his cheek on his palm.

"You haven't ate or drank anything, bub. You good?" Eunhee asks, resting her hand on Jisung's shoulder. "Yeah, just- you know, my papa called in the evening, he wants me to meet a guy. He's calling me to Incheon for the weekend," Jisung expresses.

"Don't worry, angel. You can go. Just talk to the guy and explain him, yeah? I'm sure he'll understand," Eunhee says as caresses the back of Jisung's hand, drawing circles over his knuckles. "Yeah, you're right I guess. Thanks," he says, giving her a small smile.

"C'mon, let's get you something to eat," she says as her and Jisung walk away from the group, fingers interlaced.

"Man, I feel so single," Yeji says, wiping a fake tear from her eye. "I know right! All three of you have lovers too! What about us?" Felix says in a tantrum-throwing tone.

"You can date each other!" Changbin chirps, making Hyunjin snort on his mocktail as the drink goes up his nostrils. "Shit. Are you okay, Hyun?" Seungmin asks in a worried tone. "Let the llama choke. He'll be fine, he's just throwing a fit," Yeji says, completely unbothered by the older's condition.

"Shut your crap ass mouth, Seo! Why would Yeji date Felix? She's like his sister! Right guys?" "Yeah, right," Felix says in a small disappointed tone that–thankfully–goes unnoticed by Hyunjin.

"These fuckers are so mean, they left us!" Minho scoffs as he crosses his arms over his chest sulking "I totally agree, hyung. Even Hannah didn't tell us!" Jungwon complains, shifting so that he was now laying on his tummy on Minho and Chan's bed.

"I wasn't expecting Hannah to tell us, though. But I'm disappointed that Hyunjinnie didn't tell me about it, he tells me everything," Jeongin says.

"You know what? Fuck them, we don't need to hang out with them," Rachel says, surprising everyone–except Olivia, of course.

"Rachel's right. Get in the car y'all. We're going to our secret hide out,"Chan says, getting off from the widow. "Secret Hideout?" Olivia asks, knitting her brows in confusion.

"Oh wait, you are new, damn. Well, these bitches ditch us alot. So we have our secret hideout where we go to hang out when they're gone. You'll have fun I swear," Jeongin explains as he pulls Rachel and Olivia with him to the garage.

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