17: You Fucking Kissed Him!

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I was kinda tired of writing the club scene so dw, chan didn't see minsung, only eunhee did
Setting: Minsung are still drunk and minchan are in their room peacefully sleeping while jisung and eunhee are in eunhee's room

Word Count: 1072

Eunhee POV
I sit on the floor of my bedroom in a corner, hugging my knees as I sob quietly. I look up to see Jisung sleeping peacefully in my bed, a default pout on his lips.

He probably doesn't even like me, he won't even remember what happened in the club. I shouldn't be crying, I'm so weak. How do I make my feelings disappear? How do I unlove him? I'm-

My train of thoughts is interrupted by the sounds of chirping birds as I look out the window to see the sun coming out. It's morning already?

I stand up from the floor, rubbing my wet eyes with the sleeve of my hoodie. I sniffle and go to the restroom to freshen up.

I'm a fucking mess, I think as I look at my disheveled state in the mirror. Hair like a tornado destroyed it, bloodshot eyes, dark circles, face looking like a cat licked it all over and lastly, my broken heart.

Why are you doing this to me, Han Jisung?

*Time Skip*

3rd Person POV
"Hyung, what's up with Eunhee? She's been ignoring me since morning," Jisung says, a little annoyed as he looks at Changbin. "I don't know bro, you're the one who slept in her room. Ooh, did y'all kiss?" Changbin asks, wiggling his brows.

Jisung's face flushes red as he looks down,"I- I don't know, hyung. I was wasted last night. Maybe we did kiss, could that be the reason why she's ignoring me?"

"Knowing her since we were babies, I don't think y'all kissed. If you did, she'd be teasing you about it. Not ignoring you," Changbin says as he props his hands behind his back on the sides.

"Then why is she ignoring me?" Jisung says, tears brimming his eyes as he looks at Changbin. "Hey, hey, hey, Jisung are you crying? Shh, don't cry baby. It's fine, she must have a reason for it. We'll talk to her, hm?" Changbin comforts the younger, hugging him. Jisung places his hands on Changbin's chest as he swallows the tears at the back of his throat.

"Hyung, did I do something wrong for her to ignore me? I swear I didn't wanna make her feel sad. I was drunk, hyung. I promise I didn't hurt her," he says and breaks down into tears.

"Shh, don't cry sweets," Changbin says, caressing the back of Jisung's head,"I know you didn't wanna hurt her, she knows too. We'll talk to her, I'm sure she's not mad at you."

"Hyung..." Jisung trails off. "I think I like her," he says, making the older chuckle. "You do, Jisung. You like her alot. You won't be crying right now if you didn't," he says and caresses Jisung's head and back as he continues mumbling sweet nothings to the younger.

*Time Skip*

"Eunhee, why are you ignoring m-me?" Jisung looks at the older girl, who was sitting on the swivel chair in her study. "Answer the boy, Eunhee. He's talking to you," Minho says sternly, his arms crossed over his chest as he glares down at Eunhee.

"Eunhee why are y-you igno-" "BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU, YOU FUCKER!" She yells, mentally thanking her dad to make the study's door and walls soundproof.

Minho and Jisung flinch at the sudden loud sound. "YOU DON'T FUCKING REALISE THAT I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" Jisung looks down, fidgeting with his fingers.

Tears pool Eunhee's eyes as she looks at the younger. "You probably think I have a flirty nature, don't you? I fucking don't! I only do it to you because I'm in love with you, bitch!"

"But last night, you fucking kissed him!" She says, pointing at Minho. "I could feel my heart shattering into a million fucking pieces! But I couldn't even be weak at the time, I had to distract your fucking boyfriend so that he doesn't get his heart broken because of your fucking stupid drunk asses! How drunk do you have to be to kiss a person who is like your brother and has a boyfriend? How drunk do you have to be to not push away your brother-like-friend from kissing you? That too when you have a fucking boyfriend!"

Tears were rolling down Eunhee's rosy cheeks uncontrollably by now. Her throat was sore from all the yelling. She falls to her knees, shutting her eyes as she bows her head down, sobbing.

Meanwhile, Jisung and Minho look at each other, flabbergasted. "E-Eunhee," Jisung stutters, as he walks closer to her and rests his hand on her shoulder, but she yanks it away. She looks up at him with burning rage in her eyes.

"Don't fucking touch me. And don't you dare try to talk to me, I do not want to see your face ever again."

*Time Skip*

Jisung Focus
"Shh, don't cry sweetcheeks. We're all here for you. We'll talk to her, she's just upset okay? She didn't mean it. She will talk to you. She said she loves you right? How could she not talk to you then, right? Just calm down, don't cry. We're all here for you," Changbin says, holding Jisung's hand and rubbing it soothingly.

"Changbin's right, Sungie. Eunhee loves you, she cares for you. She'd never hurt you," Rachel says, combing her fingers through Jisung's hair as he clutched tightly onto the older girl's shirt, sobbing on her shirt.

Olivia rubs the boy's back, in order to calm him. "Jisungie! Look what I have! Cheesecake! It's your favorite right? C'mere let me feed you some," Felix beams as he sits near Jisung, crossing his legs.

Eunhee Focus
"Shh, don't cry sweets," Seungmin says as he rubs Eunhee's back, mumbling sweet nothings to the girl. "I-" "No, Eunie. It's been three hours. Stop crying. Sitting here and crying isn't going to fix anything. You have to talk to him," Hannah says as she wipes her older sister's eyes.

"She's right sweetie. It's okay to cry, but you have to talk to him. Now get up, eat something and go talk to him," Seungmin says, caressing the back of her head.

She sniffles, detaches herself from Seungmin's embrace and wipes her eyes,"Yes. I can't be weak. I'm going to his house." "Eat som-" "No, I've hurt him alot. I can't waste any more time. Bye guys. Thank you both for taking care of me, I love you."

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