Devi Draupadi

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Devi Draupadi, the pure soul.
Many people bash her too. I don't understand the reason for their hating.

Myth 1:
Drupad refuses to accept draupadi as his daughter.
He used to hate because of her arrogant nature.

Do you think it is true??

No father can hate a daughter. Just get trp for your stories don't spoil the wonderful bond of a father and daughter.

As soon as she stepped out of fire. He accepted her wholeheartedly and cherished her.

Draupadi was not an arrogant lady.
She was considered to be one of the most beautiful woman in her time and that's the reason people think she is arrogant.
But no, she was very calm and soft spoken. Circumstances made her a little rude.
Just imagine anyone dragging you and trying to disrobe you too will be rude right?!
Then why hate towards her?!?

Myth 2:
Draupadi loved karna

This is the dumbest shitt I have ever heard.
Draupadi was chaste woman she was loyal to her husbands and one of the panchakanya's.

Draupadi never tried to impress anyone by her beauty not even her husbands then too they used to love her

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Draupadi never tried to impress anyone by her beauty not even her husbands then too they used to love her .

Read vana parva : Draupadi satyabhama samvada.

She never loved karna. She used to love all her five husbands (Arjuna more).
And it is common yrr!

Imagine you are divided between the brothers of your husband.

You will love your husband slightly more right?!!
So she was a human too.....

This is not a myth but about serial's potrayal of Draupadi.

They always show her as a fair lady.

It's clearly mentioned in bori CE and kgm that she was a darked skinned beauty.
And was shame to all the fair princesses who were arrogant.

She was even considered one of the most beautiful woman in her time.

Draupadi was dark skinned and hence was called as Krishna.
I don't know why serial and others ignore this fact.

At the end,
We learn that Draupadi was a chaste woman.
She did not love karna.
She was not arrogant.

Then why hate her?!!

Some idiots will still not understand this and argue.

Some people must be wondering that I am saying this after reading my story
'Subhadra: the most divine one'

After reading this book you must have considered me as a draupadi hater but I do respect more than you'll.

That story is purely FICTIONAL and not fully written by me.

And this book is based on REALITY
I hope you all understand the difference between Fictional and reality.
Both are different things..

Fiction means imagination I can write what I imagine
Reality is the fact that has happened we can't change it......

I hope you understood

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