About I'm ME series

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So as you know I have already one series which is called DIVE INTO LOVE and currently I am writing 2nd book of it i.e (SECOND CHANCE AT LOVE)




This I'm ME series is very different from dive into love series as I am specifically making this series to showcase bullying and to support anti-bullying.

Because we are humans.

We ain't perfect.

But ain't nobody has got the right to poke our insecurities and have a laugh out of it.

Every person is beautiful in their own unique way. And that's what I wanna promote through this series. So yeah this series is not only about romance and clichés but it has a purpose too.

- BOOKS in this series -

Book 1 - BORN UGLY

A/N - will add title of other books later on as we will get to them.

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Like I said above each one of us has an insecurity and a mere mention about it bubbles anxiety into our hearts, isn't it?

So I guess it is only fair that I start this series by baring my scare. I am insecure about my height. And people joking about it while literally looking down upon me really upsets me. But my family is really the best for that matter, they are very understanding. They know it isn't my fault that I am short. They love me for who I am, a quirky introverted girl who is a tv fanatic.

What is your insecurity?
(You guys don't have to answer it if don't want to)


Born Ugly (I'm ME series) #BOOK-1Where stories live. Discover now