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Yamaguchi made it to high school all thanks to the school diary on his study desk telling him where to go and what his daily plans were. He was in the changing rooms of the volleyball club, failing to ignore the obvious tension between him and Tsukishima.

"Hey, Kageyama, can you sense the the tension or is it just me?"
"Boke, Hinata. Don't talk about it or Tsukishima will scalp you alive."

Hinata let out an audible gulp and hurried out of the clubroom, not wanting to be killed by Tsukishima before he got to meet the Little Giant. Yamaguchi also left the clubroom by himself once he finished putting on his final arm pad, only to have Sugawara rushing to hie side. "Yamaguchi, can we talk in private?" Yamaguchi nodded weakly and followed Sugawara off to the side of the main school building.

"Is everything alright between you and Tsukishima? A lot of us noticed some tension between you since you entered the clubroom this morning. I just wanted to make sure nothing seriois has happened since you two haven't ever ignored each other like this before. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I'm willing to listen and I want to help you."

Yamaguchi looked away out of shame. "I ruined our friendship. We both got into an argument because I needed time to understand myself and he didn't know what I meant, but I just snapped at him. I don't want to talk to him when I'm like this."

Sugawara drew Yamaguchi into a hug. "You should apologise to Tsukishima and say that you need a break. I know it isn't ideal for both of you, but it's better than shutting each other off." Yamaguchi released a shaky breath to calm himself. "What if he hates me?"
"You two have been friends for... How many years? He most definitely won't hate you and is probably too awkward to talk about the issues at hand."

Sugawara broke the hug and gestured towards the clubroom, trying to positively encourage the pinch server to make amends to the aftermath of the fight. Yamaguchi took in a sharp breath and rushed inside the clubroom, his head down as he paced towards Tsukishima who was helping Narita in setting the net up correctly.

"Tsukki, I'm sorry for last night. Please don't hate me or think I hate you. I'm just in a bad place and had no rights to take my anger out on you. I think I need a while to figure everything out, so please wait for me when that time comes.
"If that's what you want."

In that moment, Yamaguchi realised that he couldn't hear Tsukishima's thoughts any more, despite Tsukishima being deep in thought. In that exact moment, reality had never felt more sudden as he realised that he was no longer that innocent boy who could pretend life is going to go exactly how he wanted. His hands clenched together and his lip started to quaver. "OK, Tsukki..."

Tsukishima continued to set up the net, completely ignoring anything Yamaguchi had to say. Yamaguchi decided that this was going to be his starting point in being his own person. His best friend had shut him out after Yamaguchi's attitude towards him, so in his mind there was nothing stopping him from trying to form better friendships from scratch with other people.

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