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Yamaguchi woke up to a message from Tsukishima and immediately did a double take to make sure he read the contact name correctly. He hadn't expected Tsukishima to want to communicate with him again, much less out of his own accord.

Without hesitation, he opened the messages to which he began scanning over, slightly reading aloud. "Hey Yams, I'm sorry for how I've been recently. I know there isn't really an excuse when you tried to make amends, but I don't feel right to push you away. I understand if you won't forgive me because I'm a total asshole though hopefully this message means something in regards to our friendship."

His index finger hovered over the keyboard of his phone, settling on an "it's ok. how are you?" Tsukishima had immediately read the notification, as if he had been waiting for the response. Yamaguchi did a small stretch before hearing a small noise from a freshly awake Terushima.

"Good morning, Freckles." he said, flexing his arms to properly stretch them before propping himself up and placing a tender kiss upon Yamaguchi's lips. "You feeling any better after last night?" slender fingers trailed Yamaguchi's cheeks and he couldnt help but notice how truly pretty Terushima is, especially with his hair deflated from tossing and turning all night.

"You're so pretty." Yamaguchi paused, not having meant to say that aloud. Quickly resorting to a reply. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. My head hurts a little, but I'm sorry again for... well, you know."
"Nope, don't know." Terushima dramatically played. "Do you mean when you purposefully teased me so much that you gave me the biggest hard-on ever and left me to suffer? Or just the part where you threw up?"

Yamaguchi shoved his hands against his head in total embarassment. Terushima chuckled, drawing Yamaguchi into a bro hug. "Hey, babe, I'm kidding. It was just so funny to see you get all embarassed."
"Not funny, Yuuji."
"You know it is, hot stuff."

A small buzzing noise emitted from the phone, informing Yamaguchi that Tsukishima had finished typing his response. "Who's that from?" Terushima smiled, peering over ever so slightly. "From Tsukishima, actually. He messaged me this morning."
"Oh. I see."

honestly? i'm missing you more than i thought i would. we've been friends for so many years and all it took was one stupid argument for us to lose all of that? i don't want to lose you tadashi you're my world.

you won't lose me tsukki

but i will. nishinoya told me more all about this captain friend of yours and how close you seem. you've already moved on from us

i know, but the night he and i met i was getting drunk and he spent all night there for me. i just feel like you're missing the picture here, we met by chance and ended up getting along a lot more than either of us expected


is this because of our fight?

no. i wanted to get drunk, it isn't your fault

he didn't ditch you did he?

no, we were together all night. besides, you ditched me didn't you?

i don't like the sounds of him. you're 16 Yamaguchi, you shouldn't be drinking and he's definitely not a good guy if he frequents them

it was just to clear my head. terushima never left my side and even let me stay the night until i sobered up. why are you so negative about him?

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