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"Good morning, handsome." Terushima immediately gave Yamaguchi a tender kiss on the lips. When Yamaguchi exited his groggy stage he winced a little. "Are you OK?" Terushima worried, sitting up. "Yeah. I must have just slept weird, my shoulder is a little sore."

The two exchanged warm smiles to each other before Yamaguchi shuffled in the bed a little, propping himself up to a more comfortable position. "Terushima, can I ask you something?"
"Of course, what is it?"

Yamaguchi gathered up a deep inhale, holding it a few seconds before slowly exhaling. "I was just wondering... about you and me. Do you want to be my boyfriend?"
"Yes? Yes! Of course I do. Holy shit, I get to call you my boyfriend?"

Terushima cupped Yamaguchi's cheeks and carefully placed a small kiss on his lips. "This is probably the best moment of my life. Come on, I'm taking you out for breakfast." Both boys rushed out of the bed and dressed themselves ready for their first day as official partners, non-stop giggling the entire time they remained in the house.

Terushima brought Yamaguchi out for a ten minute walk until they arrived at a small café slightly hidden away from the rest of the street. "Table for two, please."
"Terushima, how lovely to see you again! And you brought company? I hope he'll be a frequenter just like you." The teenage waitress greeted.

"Here's the menu. The small sheet of paper is today's specials and the drinks are just on the reverse of our regular menu. Iced caramel latte, Terushima?"
"Please, thank you."

Yamaguchi sat in awe at the menu. "Baby, don't worry about what to get. This is my treat to you. If you want a good recommendation, the egg salad is really good."
"I'm torn between that or the honey toast."
"I've never tried the honey toast before. If you get it I might have to steal a little from you."

The waitress returned with Terushima's drink then drew out a small flip notepad. "Are you ready to order?"
"Yeah, can I get the egg sandwich with a side of miso soup?" Terushima recited. "And for yourself?"
"Oh, I'll take the honey toast and a melon soda float."

Terushima offered Yamaguchi some of his coffee and sat in admiration as he asked for a second sip. "I'm so happy right now, Tadashi."
"Me too. It all feels too good to be real."
"Sleepovers should totally be. regular thing. School is taking you away from me for the next five days."
"Don't remind me. I'll not be able to see your pretty face as much." Yamaguchi pouted and looked to his lower left as he wanted nothing more than to just stay this way forever.

Terushima sipped some more of his coffee. "I'll miss your face the most. I suppose I should just kidnap you forever."
"That could work."

They stared lovingly at each other, the conversation dwindling down as they awaited their food. "There we go, your breakfast. Chef comped the miso, by the way. One for you and one for your friend."
"Thank you."
"My pleasure. If I may ask, what's his name? If he's going to be with you a lot I might as well learn it."

Her positive aura lit up the room and Yamaguchi couldn't help but feel at home. "Yamaguchi Tadashi. I'll definitely be back, the drinks are amazing so I imagine the food is even better."
"Yamaguchi. What a lovely name."

The waitress left and the two rushed into starting their food. "Oh my, Yuuji, you need to try this." Yamaguchi exclaimed, cutting a slice off and placing it on his fork for him to try. He raised his fork towards Terushima who took a bite, his eyes widening and giving a nod of approval. "That might be my new favourite thing on the menu. Here, try mine."

The rest of the meal consisted of each other just sharing their own food and chatting about their time together. Once the bill came, Terushima paid and they paid their respects to the chef. "Back to mine, baby?"
"Sure. I was thinking, if you want to, my hair is getting a little long again."
"Yes! I'm going to make you look even better than last time."

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