Episode 1: A Different Career Choice

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The Superhuman Society is a world populated by the phenomenon known as Quirks, many of these abilities have been used for two things. Those who use it for evil purposes are known as Super Villains and those who use these Quirks to stop the villains are know as Super Heroes.

And then there are those that are unfortunately not born with any unique Quirks, which pretty much confirms two things: Power corrupts absolute and Japan does not give two shits about...
Aldera Highschool

A young boy with green fuzzy hair and freckles was packing his stuff in his bag. "Alright, school's over and I can now go home. Let's just avoid-"

"Where do you think you're going, Deku?" A boy with yellow spikey hair asked as he grabbed the former's shoulder with smoke sizzling from his hand.

There were two more boys with him, chuckling at the former's expense.

"Oh, fuck." The boy think to himself.

The other boy grabs one of the boys equipment, a notebook with a number 13 on it.

"Kacchan! Can we please not do this, I just want to go home." The boy asked the yellow haired boy, who simple response was to put the book between his hands and explode the book. Shocking the other boy and throwing it out the window. "Kacchan! Why?! Why do you do this? What did I ever do to annoy so much that fuck everything my life?"

The yellow boy answered with violence as he punched the boy right in his face, causing his nose to bleed and fall to the ground

"Listen here, Deku." The yellow haired boy told him as he kneeled down to the boy's level and grabbed his collar. "Don't even think about going to UA, nobody wants a Quirkless hero to save them, they'll just be getting my way, just like how you have always gotten in my way all our lives. If you even think about steeping one foot in UA, I'll blow you up so bad, that not even your mother will never  recognise you again."

As the other two boys were standing and watching this, they both heard heard a coughing noise behind them and looked behind and suddenly froze in fear as the person who purposely coughed walked past them.

"Hey, Bakugou." The person called out to the spikey haired boy, who looked behind to see who it was, with an expression that clearly showed he was ready to fight whoever it was. However, he quickly turned to a glare as he realised who it was. A young high schooler with white hair and a piercing on their mouth. Tefe Holland. "Beat it, unless you want me to shuff poison ivy up your ass, like I did with the last kid."

Bakugou decided to leave, making a scoff at Tefe, they were the only person in school that was never scared of him, anyone else like the other students, the teachers or even his friends wouldn't dare to cross him, but Tefe was different, they're crazier then him, they were more scarier then him and they were a lot more dangerous then him. Even if he didn't want to admit it and they turn out it be the only student in this school that would stick by the green haired boy's side no matter how many people tried to attack him with their Quirks.

But before he leaves the class with his lackeys, he left the young boy a message. "Hey, Deku, if you really want to be a hero there might be another way. Just pray you will be born with a Quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof of the building."

The last word got to Tefe, who's eyes glowed red as they pointed both their hands at Bakugou and his friends and suddenly, two vines came out of the windows and grabbed both Bakugou and his lackeys and she threw them out the window, luckily, they landed in dumpster, where Bakugou got back up and glared at Tefe, but was caught off guard as the vines came back and dropped garbage on him and his friends and then closed the door of the dumpster on them.

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