Episode 3: Withdrawled

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Izuku and Siobhan had just returned back to their hideout in steel mill, where they were greeted with open arms from their teammates.

"Sis, you're back." Kyle said as he and Albert hugged Siobhan.

"Oh, man. I thought we would never see you again." Andrew told her.

"Honestly, if it weren't for the new guy, I probably would be in jail by now." Siobhan told them. "Where'd you find him anyway?"

"We didn't, Tefe did." Albert said as he let her go and pointed at Tefe, who was hugging Midoriya, relieved to see he was back. "They were the one that found him, they've known each other in school."

Siobhan couldn't help but smile at him, feeling a sense of gratitude for rescuing her.

"I'm glad you didn't get yourself arrested out there, nerd. I was afraid I would have to go in and save you myself." Tefe said as they hugged him.

"Really? I think I handled pretty well without you rescuing me. You should really be more supportive of me, especially, since I managed to break into the police station, rescue a convict, breakout the police station and takedown 3 Pro Heroes, all without you." Izuku proudly responded.

"Takedown some heroes? Like who? Backdraft, Slugger and Rock Lock?" Tefe joked, not believing him.

"No, Mirko, Hawks and All Might." He answered as he Siobhan crossed their arms and looked confident.

The whole room fell silent, until Tefe, Kyle, Albert, Drury, Otis, Harkness, Rory, Rudy, Preston, Nanaue and Bridgit burst out laughing, finding it impossible to be believe that they managed beat some of the most powerful heroes in Japan, both Izuku and Siobhan just looked annoyed at them.

"Hohohoho! Lad, I never you were such wise cracker. Hahahahaha! Hohohowee." Harkness said as he backed up on his chair, laughing his hair off.

"I wouldn't be finding it so amusing, George." Leslie defended the two as she walked in. "Switch the TV on."

Rory pressed the on button on the TV remote to see what she meant. To all the ones that laugh at Izuku's answer, their faces were completely different from before as the News revealed that everything that what Izuku said was true, including about beating Mirko and Hawks and even giving All Might a difficult time. The news went on about they managed to even destroy and greatly damaged the police station and even showing their names. "Silver Banshee and The Prowler."

Harkness dropped his beer as he fell form his chair.

As Tefe then smirked at Midoriya and punched his shoulder. "The Prowler?"

"Siobhan gave it to me." Izuku told them.

"Better then Deku, Prowler." Tefe added to which Izuku chuckled.

"Yeah." He replied, as he looked at Siobhan and smiled, she looked back at him and winked, which suddenly made him blush and looks away.

Tefe saw this and smiled at Izuku at him. "Someone caught your eyes then, ayy?" They said as they nudged his elbow repeatedly.

"Impressive, kids, pretty impressive indeed. Especially you, newbie. Breaking into the police department, successfully breaking your teammate out, while retrieving her files and her tech back and even beating up two heroes that were in your way. Not a bad start." Snart congratulated Izuku before turning to Siobhan. "Glad to have you back, kid. Not bad on your entrance, by the way."

Both Izuku and Siobhan looked at each other proudly smiling over their success.

"Hold the bloody phone! How the hell did the news get all this?" Harkness asked.

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