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(warning: this fic will contain mature content like sexual themes, though that will be posted separately. This is a very self indulgent fic.)

'Let's have a late dinner'- was the message sent to her. Above in their diamond cages, Gogo dancers call out to her to 'come play with us~' beckoning her to come closer, as she brushes past grasping hands that reach for her. Victoria waved good-bye to her friends as she strode past them, blowing kisses to her girls.

'You're alive, thank God.' A ride request to one of the cabbies and another text comes, directions and a surprise.

'I'll meet you at the cafe, I have something for you.' The cab pulls away from the club and off another text goes. The city life is loud as its bright lights that overtook the night stars' brilliance, the sidewalks over crowded, her cabbie driver honking her horn at a punk jay walker. A dancing hologram ad, advertising a new game flashes dangerously close to the roads.

'Can't wait, see you soon :)'



The overhead radio plays the charming song 'El Adventuro' throwing her back to countless nights as a kid waiting for her parents to leave a party. Now it's with Amos who hasn't said anything to her for the past ten minutes after throwing himself into her booth, he then begins ordering a drink with the startled waitress. Slapped a little white box with a red bow on the table, with a slurred voice," Your birthday gift." And slumped over in his seat accompanied by a loud crack.

"Ay hijo no," Victoria got up to fix him up, Amos let her drag his corpse to a non-back breaking position, she patted his short hair gently."Nap, you'll smell your coffee before you know it."

She smooths the wrinkles of her short, blue glittery dress and takes a sip of her drink, waiting for Amos to remember who he is and how he came to be. Said friend was dead to the world. Glancing down at his tan coat, she felt sympathy at the familiar sight of demon ick staining the bottom of his tan coat, still wet dripping on the plastic. Shaking her head, she wipes off the stains with a frown. Hopefully no one noticed it.

'That's not gonna come off, Amos, you have to soak that stuff immediately,' Their jobs were often messy, a true mark of an experienced master in their field, is the cleanliness of their clothes.''He must have come here straight from the mission, poor Amos, sweetie needs to eat.'

A red coffee mug appears, and true as the sun rises in the east, so did Amos. Victoria snorts when Amos screeches after burning his tongue. Amos, gangly and boney whose tall height made him look almost skeletal, sipped slowly from his coffee mug paying no attention to her. The bright neon lights of a dancing pink pig flash across them, drawing harshness to his face.

"Amos," she called to him, taking his attention from the window." You should have something to eat, you look hungry."

A "pwshh" escapes him, Amos runs his hand through his short red hair. "Yeah, I haven't eaten anything since yesterday," he confesses,"I don't know what to eat, pick for me Victoria, I trust you."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Don't make me pull out my dagger."

"Tiny compared to my sword." Victoria pats her purse.

"How the fuck does that even fit in there?" Amos sadly didn't get his answer.

Victoria flags down a waitress, speaking to her with ease in Spanish- picking at dishes that would fill them both up. She hadn't eaten anything when she left the club and the horchata can only do so much. Amos had already finished his coffee by the time their other drinks arrived. Amos looked tired, his eyes sullen as he gazed at the dancing pink mascot of the cafe El Pequeñito Puerco. Whatever case he had been assigned to, it had left its mark. Victoria reaches over to Amos, patting his hands in a show of comfort. "Thank you for coming home," Victoria says to him, focusing on the warmth she felt.

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