Wishing Well

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Warning: Please be advised as this fic will later on contain mature themes, such as violence and sexual mature themes later on. This is crossposted on AO3 under BurningLaurelLeaves130.

Chapter 1: Wishing Well -Snow White

She fell.

It felt endless. The world had turned dark, with the faint glimmer of a rainbow's lights peeking through. The pull of her skin as the suction of the tunnel takes her farther into its world- Victoria was afraid if the fall doesn't kill her the cutting of the wind just might.

As it felt like this fall will never end- there! A prick of light at the end of this endless abyss, it came closer and closer and soon she passed the edges of the tunnel and fell briefly into a ring of light. It wasn't daylight but the full dawn in its falsehood. In the small space of freedom she appeared in, she caught the glimpse of a courtyard of an old fashioned castle, dusty with crooked trees littered with vines.

And then Victoria had plunged into the well.

She screamed as she submerged into the water, a large splash spooking the owls in their perches . Instincts kicked in and she kicked up to the surface of the well. Coughing out the water she swallowed, Victoria breathed in sharply, shivering as the water was cold. Victoria clings to the sharp edges of the stones that jutted out, trying to relax her nerves.

"Fucking shit, where am I?" Victoria gasps, she pushes her hair thick back, trying to get her nerves together.

The game.

She's in the fucking game.

Amos didn't beta check the game.

"No, no no no," Victoria groans. Looking up for a way out, she only sees a pulley with a bucket that's far out of her reach. Patting herself, she feels her bag drag in the water. Good. She still had her purse with her, but its strap wasn't long enough to throw, and she knows she didn't pack an emergency rope. She grimaces seeing how high the bar was.

It was still dark out, with only the tint of blue light edging towards dawn. She's not even sure if anyone was awake- or if anyone even lived here. Regardless, Victoria is not waiting for someone to get her.

Victoria reaches out testing the stones, finding something to grip as she tries to find her footing and starts to climb. Victoria had barely made it a couple of inches, before her feet slipped scratching her knees as she slipped back into the water. Spitting out water, she tries again, and again...

There was no point climbing, the rocks were too slippery. Her bag for all its multi-space, she had nothing that could help her come out of the well, a sword wouldn't be helpful either if the walls were too small. Ruffling through her bag hoping to find her emergency kit—only to realize she gave it to Amara. Pushing down the rising panic she hugs her purse close, Victoria hums to herself, thinking and thinking. Tapping her fingers against stone, her blue nail polish chips.

Victoria leans against the slippery stones.

"I'm so screwed."



"Nopel!" the head house maid called into the kitchen. The old stout woman, who's hair is gray as weathered rocks on the river's edge, bustles down the stairs, her dull green dress rustling as she does. Her wrinkled face twists, seeing not the young man she's searching for, but the other servants who hurried past her. 'Where could the boy be', she wonders, her tongue clicking,' ts ts,he must be out by now before the king awakens.'

The head house maid, known as Hilda, one of the oldest veterans of the castle staff when Queen Ingrid once sat in her throne as a princess, before she wedded her first husband, and later King Grimhilde. Hilda, who had been just a lowly maid at the time, with a child at home with her mother as her husband was long gone, was put in charge to care for the young prince of the castle, till she was no longer needed as a nanny but as his retainer—-as long as King Grimehilde see's fit.

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