Untitled Part 4

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AN: God this chapter is massive. 5.6 k I have a question for everyone at the end. Thank you for being here so far.

Chapter 4:

'Take the poor woman and show her around,' Hette grunts, as she stumbles around with her basket of clothes. Earlier, Matron Hilda had pulled her aside during the woman's bath, tasking her in being her guide for the meantime. She agreed of course, a bit cautious even if she was rather...star struck by the tall woman. Such a lovely warmness to her brown skin, brought it the color of her honey eyes, and such thick long hair too. Wild curls that touch her, a life to it on its own when she twirls around to look at things. Hette buried her face into her dress, recalling the bold outfit of the woman who didn't even shy from the attention she brought onto the servants.

"Nobel ladies from afar, are shameless," she mutters, cheeks red as the rooster's cowl. The time Hilda had taken her away, gossip had run rampant throughout the castle, not too loud but passing of whispers between ears and cupped hands. Most women had donned clothes more modest, noble women painted in lovely fabrics and paints once before, and yes there were once many great beauties, but they too have faded far far away. Her hands wring the edges, too many have gone and many hid.

For there are many who can be no fairer than the beautiful King.

Hearing a loud thump, Hette rushes over and pushes the door open with a heavy hit of her shoulder, tumbling through as she looks up in shock at the sight. Dear Anne lay faint as she's being carried back to her bed by the foreigner. The woman didn't even seem to struggle with Anne in her arms, carrying her as if she weighed nothing, which Hette knows very well that isn't the case. As she laid Anne down, there were soft snaps in the air, Hette watched the woman's lips turn into a scowl as she heard it. Straightening up, and turning half way to look behind her dress, she cried out "Really, again?"

Hette finds her voice and stutters out,"What's going on!"

Victoria looks over to her, as she uses a nearby rag to fan at Anne,"I can totally explain."

Looking over at the woman, Hette felt a bit faint seeing more ampleness being presented. The woman's nightgown had revealed more than enough that had Hette's face glow a bright red. Now it seems even with a modest dress, it just made a peek of ample flesh-

Hette swallows,"H-How so?"

"Sorry, the dress is really tight," was all Victoria could offer, brushing back her wild curls. Anne makes a whining noise as she stirs awake, a relieved look crosses Victoria's face at this-she smooths Anne's bangs to the side."I couldn't move right and then this cutie came in and saw a lot more of me."

"I can see that." Hette said breathless, she shakes her head immediately at that. Clearing her throat, Hette strains a smile,"Let's go for a tour!"



After reviving Anne, the two scullery maids took Victoria around the castle, sneaking around with quick feet. Victoria bites into her bread Anne had given her, it's really bland and a bit tough, hiding the rest into the dress's pocket for later. Victoria felt very jealous of their pockets, seeing back home, they didn't have 'real' jean pockets anymore. Even with her wonderful purse that she hid in the bed's hay mattress, it still would be nice to have functional pockets.

"So this here would be where we bathe-" Hette took Victoria to the baths where some girls shrieked, throwing bars of soap at them, Hette shouts back,"Sorry!" As she pushes Victoria and Anne away.

"Pretty windy in there," Victoria says to Anne whose blonde locks shake in agreement with her. Anne fixes her little cap, and they chase after Hette, well Anne did at least, Victoria just walked.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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