Chapter 3: First date

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I smiled as I opened the message
Ariana:Hey Riss😘
Me:Hi Aria, how was your date last night?🙄
Ariana:it was lit!!!😝😜😛
I smiled knowing my bestie actually had fun she had been going through some shit lately with her dad,mum and the company oh yeah I didn't tell you Ariana is from a wealthy family and since they want to retain their power they want to marry Ariana of to some fuck face she hasn't even met
I jolted out of thought as my phone beeped again
Ariana:He was amazing last night
I was about responding to the text when aggressive honking got in the way and It could be no other person than my  new arrogant boss
I rushed out only to be welcomed by the hottest Lamborghini I had ever seen. I tried not to gawk or gape but to know avail I successfully soaked it in and entered into the car
"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting"I said
"Sorry won't give me back the time you wasted
What a dick
After he said that an awkward silence reigned in the car it was so suffocating and then he broke the silence
"I want this relationship to be 100 percent professional"he said
Like I'd want anything to do with you
I nodded simply

He pulled over at a diner and stepped out of the car girls oogling and sending him flirty looks
I sighed mentally, if his personality was as nice as his face then I could have called him a complete package
I look at him and realized he said something
"Aren't you coming?!"he asked
"No I am not!"I said confidently and he just shrugged and walked into the diner without even trying to persuade me
I've really got my work cut out for me
I sighed mentally it's not like I have a choice he was my boss and I had to get him fucking married whether he likes it or not I rolled my eyes

I walked into the diner and sat down
Was the ramen more beautiful than me I thought to myself because he couldn't take his eyes off the bowl
"I'll be handling your personal details, setting up dates for you and what ever you want me to do"I said and he hummed softly focused on his ramen
"Never got your name"I said
"You don't need to know my name"he said with a sly smirk playing on his lips
"Won't you eat?!, it's free if you are scared of the payment"he said and I felt so insulted as that wicked smirk was playing on his lips
I snapped"Excuse me?!!"
"Stop acting all coy, all of you ladies are the same all gold digging bitches"
"Who the hell do you think you are huh?! to fucking judge the whole worlds women population just because some bih treated you like shit that doesn't mean you will go around being a dick to innocent ladies"I bursted out and bit my lip
I just sat there for seconds as those intense blue eyes stared at me
Was he kidding when he said all that
I yelled at me effing boss it felt so relieving but I stared into his eyes and all I could see was hurt maybe I hurt his ego
I watched him stand up and leave but all I could do was follow behind him
Then I was sure he was mad I'm gonna apologize when we get to the company
We walked into Sound Mynd cooperation a gigantic, office building sophisticated to meet the taste of the CEO . I could feel peoples eyes glaring some in awe of Mr.CEO
Yeah.. cheeky right but that's all I could think of to call him since sir wasn't an option
And others staring at me in disgust
I almost felt like screaming he's not my fucking boyfriend to them but to think people would refer me as the lady that ran mad at her first day of work I smiled mentally at such a crazy thought
We walked into his extravagant office
I watched him sit on his seat running his hand through his hair leaning and slouching looking like a sexy volcano about to erupt, yeah.. he was still mad
"I'm sorry Mr.CEO , I am sorry"I said and looked at him only to see a bright smile on his face
"Of all the names in the world you chose Mr.CEO"he said
"I'm fond of giving people names according to their titles"I shrugged and a beautiful lady walked in she looked like my age
"Stephanie this is....."he stopped and creased his brows
"I don't know your name and I let you prepare my breakfast"he blurted and I rolled my eyes mentally
"I'm Marrissa Peters"I said with a smile. 
She seems nice
We shaked hands while Mr.CEO was engrossed in his paperwork
"Would you like to share an office with Stephanie"Mr.CEO asked me
"Sharing an office won't be bad"I said
Stephanie smiled like a child about to have a new room mate
"Then you two may take your leave" he said and we left
Stephanie's office wasn't as extravagant as Mr.CEO's  but it was spacious enough for two of us
"I'm glad you chose to stay here with me"Stephanie said and I smiled
"No biggie really"I said and she smiled
"Isn't he so handsome?"she said
"Who?!"I asked playing coy
"The boss of course"
I shook my head
"Beautiful face but ugly personality"I said and she gasped
"You won't say that for much longer when you get to know him, he is actually very sweet"she said
Maybe I should give Mr.grumpy a chance
Stephanie sat down and I did too she was busy with paperwork and I was setting up what is gonna be Mr.CEO first date

      To my readers
It only gets better from here I can't decide on a nick name yet 🙄.so, what's it gonna be Mr.CEO or Mr. grumpy don't forget to vote and comment thanks for reading and giving me the opportunity to entertain you.

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