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The door bell rang and I was about leaving to get the door when he held my hand and I felt my body vibrate, my world slowed down, what happened to professionality only God In heaven know what kind of thought were rushing through his mind
He released my hand as he squats and ties my shoelaces and stands up
"Even if you wanna die at least don't die In my house"he said nonchalantly and arrogantly as usual
"Thanks Mr.CEO"I said and rushed downstairs and opened the door only to see a delivery man
"Hey beautiful"the delivery man said
"Hi.."I said nearly lost in my own words
"Could you sign here please or you could sign with your phone number"the delivery man said winking at me
I smiled and took the paper and sign
he took the paper back and I took the delivery and returned to Mr.CEO dropped the box on the bed and opened it only to see a white designers dress covered up with yellow emojis , cute matching sneakers, underwear,a hairpin and a tooth brush
"Awwwwwn,Mr.CEO it's so cute,thank you"I said
"Mh! you're welcome,go get dressed I wanna leave as soon as I'm done with the paperwork"he said so focused
"Okay,uhm what room"I asked
"Third room to the left"he said
"Thanks"I said and left for the third room to the left.
I walked into the bathroom , took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and put on the off shoulder dress, the sneakers,I packed my hair into a 2-sided ponytail and I returned to Mr.CEOs room and Walked in
"How do I look?!"I asked and he lifted his head up slowly and looked at me
from my legs upward. I could feel his eyes roamed around my body and I cleared my throat and he stopped
"How do I look?"I asked once again
"You really wanna know"he asked with a smile
"You look like what a rainbow would poop "he said laughing
I huffed in annoyance and he stood up
"Lets go"he ordered
        [Mr.CEOs POV]
We were in the car and she was busy writing in a book I couldn't help but stare at her, she was smiling down at the book her dimple was so visible and it complimented her reddish brown hair beautifully and her green eyes lit up the car for some unknown reason I yearned to hear that soft, silky, smooth voice so I had to break the silence
"Whatcha writing?"I asked
"It's a story,I know you may think it's cheeky but I don't care what you have to say"she said engrossed in the book I was about to speak but she beat me to it "so many people don't support me and it makes me feel bad because I'm not the first writer and definitely not the last writer they'll make feel that way"
"What's the name?"I asked
"Chemistry behind the scenes"she said still writing
"Yeah.., it's cheeky alright but I totally support you if it makes you feel happy"I said
Get I grip of yourself man I yelled at me self inwardly
"Thanks"she said as I parked the car and we both stepped out commanding attention as we were welcomed into the party by loud music the smell of alcohol, cigarettes and cocaine and glares from people
"Here we part ways"she said and walked away and Eddie walked up to me and hugged me manly
"Dude who's the chick?"Eddie asked looking at her lustfully
"Answer me dude"Eddie said
"Forget about her, lets just party"I said taking off my shirt and trousers leaving only my swim shorts and I dived into the water gaining everyone attention even Miss Peters
       [Marrissas POV]
I sat at a corner, watching water dripping down from his hair to his face to his chest and then to his defined abs
Fuck! that dude is sexy
My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my table I lifted my head only to see a cutie pie standing in front of me
"Hey!"I said as he sits comfortably
"Hi beauty"he said and I continued writing my book
"Care to tell me your name?"he asked
"It's Marrissa Peters, yours?"I asked
"Alexander Cheng"he said and I could feel Mr.CEOs gaze on me sending shivers down my spine was it about the challenge or something else
"You're a Cheng huh?.."I said trying to drag the conversation
"Yeah.., but all I get to know about you is the fact that you are so beautiful"he said and I smiled
"Oh you write"he said "me too"
I smiled "That's so cool"I said
"Uh.. you must have read my book uhm Melting Mr.Ice?"he said
Could he be the famous looper
"Give me another book maybe I might remember"I said
"Oh ok, Mr.Rude and I"he said and I squealed
"Oh my God you are the looper"
"Tell me which one is your favorite?!"he asked me
"Falling for the holidays"I said and he smiled
"I love your work Mr.Cheng "I said
"Thank you but just call me Alex"he said with a warm smile
"Are you writing presently?"I asked
"Mh-hmm, I am actually on my tenth episode"he said and I squealed
"What was your personal favorite?"I asked him
"My personal favorite was falling for trouble, because it actually happened to me in highschool I fell for the trouble maker of the school, she was my first love"he said
"Awwwwwn, that's so cute!!"
"Who was your motivation?"I asked
"My first love"he said with a chuckle
"She was a writer like you and you remind me so much of her"
"Maybe we could catch up sometime"he said
I squealed"I'd love to" and he chuckled
"Oh God,no wonder you keep your identity a secret"I said and he stood up and came so close to my lips
Was he gonna kiss me
Butterflies filled my belly then he moved to my ear and whispered
"Now it's our little secret"
He pulled away slowly and I could see that spark in his eyes as he sat down
"I'd like to go on a date with you"I said
Oh why do I have to be so akward the dude didn't even ask me
"I'd like to show you my shelf right now, wanna come?"he said with a smile
I looked at Mr.CEO who was busy flirting with some beauty goddess It was a challenge after all
"Sure"I said and we left the party
     To my readers
Who is Alexander Cheng's mystery first love,is Mr.CEO already interested in Marrissa and you might wanna guess what Mr.CEO name is or give name suggestions
It only gets better from here don't forget to vote and comment

Match made in heavenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora