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This chapter will be focusing on Bobby, so if you came here purely for Lancer and emo Ed Sheeran shoving their tongues down each other's throats you can skip this ig. I will also be shamelessly adding one of my cringy ass OCs into this chapter just because.

Bobby quietly hopped around in a black void, a concerned look plastered on his face. After awhile of wandering, he ran into a inky blob, who waved him. "Hello Bobby! I wasn't expecting to see you here." The blob greeted him, grinning like it usually did. "Greetings Persona." Bobby said to the blob, hanging his head low. Persona's smile was replaced with a frown, staring at Bobby. "Did something happen? You aren't usually this depressed and emo looking." Persona asked, lowering herself to be closer to Bobby. Bobby sighed, staring back at Persona with tired eyes. "I find myself in a... predicament." Bobby said, "And, if I say so myself, is a rather idiotic one." Bobby sighed again for like the 10th time. "Well? Just spit it out. How am I supposed to help you if I don't know what's going on?" Persona asked, scooping up Bobby into her hands. "My mother has gotten herself into a relationship, and I am truly joyful for her but..." Bobby said, pausing. "I can't help but to be concerned." He finished, inhaling in a deep breath. "It's about that ginger gangly emo guy Bobot right?" Persona asked, catching Bobby off guard. "You know of him?" Bobby questioned. "Of course I do Bobby. I basically know everything cuz, y'know, I'm a fucked up blob who uses people memories and shit to manipulate people to steal their bodies for shit and giggles." Persona said, holding up Bobby closer to her face. "Oh, of course. I seem to have forgotten. But, let us return to the topic in question." Bobby said, shaking his head. "You know of my..." Mother" Barbara correct?" Bobby said, staring into Persona's singular eye as she nodded. "I can't help but fear that he might be working for her and... Harm my dear mother." Bobby mumbled, his face twisting with concern. "Ooh, I see." Persona said, putting her hand on her chin. "Look dude, you're an eldritch omnipotent being hidden behind this innocent looking white blob who can drive men into madness even if they so much as glance at you. So, if he does fuck with Lancer, you can just do that." Persona said, who was answered with another sigh. "I know that but... I do not wish to harm my mother in the process." Bobby mumbled, shaking his head. Persona paused for a moment, thinking of what to say. "Well, I can just fuck with him psychologically to the point he turns into a shell of his former self if he does decide to act cocky and try to do anything to your mom. He looks like the type to cry while blasting MCR at 3 A.M so I don't imagine he'll be the hard to break." Persona said, placing Bobby back on the ground. "Other than that, I don't really know what to say. I'm not good at comforting people." Persona said, turning around to leave. "Thank you." Bobby said, his face returning back to its usual smiley face. "For what?" Persona asked, confused. "Thank you for comforting me Persona. I am grateful for kindness." Bobby said, beginning to hop away. "Oh, well. No problem little dude." Persona said, waving Bobby goodbye. Bobby returned back to his mother's and two gay uncle's house. He hopped over to Lancer's bed, burying himself into the blankets. He stared at his mother's sleeping form as he closed his eyes, trying to ease his worries. "I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you, Mother." And with that, he drifted to sleep.

(This chapter is lowkey ass 💀💀💀💀. Guess I've gotten more used to writing about my friend fucking some emo guy. But besides that, uhhh. Give me chapter ideas cause I can't think of shit to write 😍😍😍😍. Also, this chapter is on the shorter side compared to the rest and that was kinda intentional, other than the fact I couldn't really think of anything to write so-)

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