The crown (2)

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      "Stop"  I yelled at the guards, "he's injured badly" the guard who had the sword up to the thief's neck lowered his sword "but sir-" "NO" I cut him off "bring him to the castle so I can help him, THATS AN ORDER" I said "yes sir" they all said. I looked at the boy, he looked scared and then suddenly  he passed out. I ran over to him to make sure he was okay as he lay down. I looked over him and found that he had a twisted ankle. I picked him up and got on to my horse and so did the guards. I held him in my arms as we headed back to the palace, on the way back none of the guards dared to say a thing about being the thief to the castle.

As we arrived at the palace, I took the boy to the infirmary in the palace. I looked over the boy's injuries, a couple minutes later one of the servants came to the door and knocked " young princes you father and mother want you to go to the throne room" the girl said, "I will be there later, I'm busy" I said, I need to focus on healing this boy, "your parents need to talk to you now young princes" she said, "FINE" I said with an angry tone. I stomped out after I made  sure the boy was ok, I want to my father. 

      "YOU BROUGHT HIM HERE" the old hag yelled at me, "yes, he was injured and needs help". I said "HE IS NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, AND YOU FORGOT MY CROWN!" she yelled again, I rolled my eyes at her comment. "Ok you too, will you can heal him and wen he gets better then he will go to the dungeon of 5 years to pay for his crimes" my father said, I was shocked my father wanted to send a teenager to the dungeon for 5 years! I ran to the infirmary. Wen I got to the infirmary and I looked at the boy he looked so peaceful sleeping, I pushed his hair behind his ear. I wrapped his leg in a cast and about 20 minutes later I saw the boys eyes fluttered open.


(Word count: 381)

The Crown Jewel (Solangelo royal au)Where stories live. Discover now