The crown (3)

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      I got the boy all tips of food, he looked like he hadn't eaten in days. When I came back he was asleep again, I gently woke him up. "What?" He said rubbing his eyes, "I got you food you need to eat." "Oh... I don't normally eat much" he said "ya I can tell but you still need to eat DOCTORS ORDE," I said "you're not even a really doctor," he said. He was right of course but that doesn't change anything! "I'm the one who healed you so I am your doctor" I said "I never asked you to do that" he said looking down at the floor, dose he really not have anyone to help him HOW OLD IS HE (16 he's 16 and your 18 idiot🙄) that doesn't matter all that matters is for him to trust me and that I lo- NO will get you head out of the gutter! "Hay are you ok ?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by a voice I now love. "Oh yeah it's just... how old are you?" I asked "oh... um.. I'm 16," he said, so he's three years younger than me I guess that's ok right ?

   "Nice, so now eat" I said "fine!" He said I gave him a smirk he definitely noticed "STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!" he said there was red creeping on to his cheeks. Will just do this it's your only chance just do it! "Are you blushing?" I asked (YES THIS IS MY ATTEMPT AT FLIRTING) "WHAT N- No!" (Are you sure your not blushing Nico😏) He said blushing even more "are you sure" I said "Y-YES, I'm not b-blushing" he said. "Then why are you blushing even more?" I asked, he was soooo cute, he quickly covered his head in the blanket. If you are able to die from cuteness I will be dead by this b- wait WHAT'S HIS NAME! "Wait umm... what's your name," I asked the boy under the curtains, he looked up from the blanket. "Oh umm... it's..." he sat up "it's Nico... Nico di Angelo." He said, Angelo... Angelo doesn't that mean angel in Italian it really sits him very well since he doses look like one, Will focus f***ing focus. "It suits you" I said with a smile "yeah it does," he gave me a smile smile I I swear I saw an angel for a second. This time I was the one who was blushing.

The Crown Jewel (Solangelo royal au)Where stories live. Discover now