The Rain Storm

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The next morning Mia awoke to sound of rain hitting the window. Lifting her head from the pillow she looked outside and couldn't see the sky. Sheets of rain hit the window so hard, it felt like the house was shaking.

"Mia you awake?" She heard a faint knock on her door and mumbled a reply. Drew peaked his head through the door.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you. I just wanted to give you these before I forgot." He tentatively pushed the door open and placed candles and a flashlight on the dresser.

"Looks like this storm won't let up until tomorrow so just in case the power goes out later, you've got what you need." Mia sat up in bed rubbing her eyes with the palms of her hands.

"Thanks, I guess we're not leaving the house today?" She asked even though she already knew the answer to the question.

"Nope not today. My calls also got cancelled so looks like it's just you and me. Time to keep ourselves entertained." He smiled hopefully at her.

"Cool, okay, um let me get up. Is there coffee?" She needed to pull herself together. Get some semblance of propriety back between them.

"Yep it's ready when you are. Sorry I'll give you some privacy. I'll see you down there." Drew turned and pulled the door shut behind him leaving Mia to look at herself in the larger mirror across from the bed. She took in her hair which was stand up on one side and matted on the other. Her face had a solid pillow imprint and her striped pajamas, the oldest pair she owned gave her the look of an overgrown child. Wonderful.

She climbed out of bed and padded to the bathroom. Throwing her hair up in a pony tail she splashed some water on her face. The reflection back in the mirror looked hallowed. She was tired. She was supposed to be building a new life but in the two days she'd been here she had done little but hang out with Drew. If today was an indoor day she would spend it applying to jobs.

She threw on an old, too thin crewneck sweatshirt from college and headed downstairs. This was the best she could do at 7 am.

"Here she is." Drew greeted her with a large smile and a spatula in hand.

"I hope you like pancakes. Because I have literally nothing else to give you right now." Mia laughed.

"Pancakes sound wonderful. They're the ideal rainy day breakfast." She passed by him to get to the coffee pot noting unintentionally how good he smelled. He smelled like Irish spring, fresh and clean. Taking the alternate route back around the counter in order to avoid temptation to smell him again, she climbed onto one of the high chairs at the island.

"Awake yet?" Drew was chipper, almost too chipper.

"Not even close." She wrapped her hands around her coffee mug.

"Want to do some puzzles today?" Mia laughed into her coffee at his excitement.

"Ha, um sure. Puzzles are your rainy day activity?"

"Yea absolutely. We don't really get snow down here so when a day like this comes along, you have to take advantage of it. Nothing like puzzles in the afternoon to really set the mood." She watched as he expertly flipped a pancake.

"We can definitely do a puzzle. But I need to get some job applications out. It would be a waste of the day if I didn't." He nodded in understanding as he presented a plate of pancakes in front of her.

"Let me know if you need any help. I know a few people around here and DC that could always lend a hand but you strike me as someone who wants to do this on their own and I respect that." He placed his own plate of pancakes down next to her and came to sit down. This close to him she could feel his natural body heat radiating and desperately wanted to move six inches closer. The house felt warm and cozy but Mia had caught a chill. She shivered involuntarily.

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