Chapter 4

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"Look she's in our class." said Luna, looking at the pokèmon sitting on the other side of her. It was none other than Crysta...and Crystal! " Oh! Hi Sylvia. You wanna be friends yet?" asked the annoying espeon. "No, I think I'm pretty good." replied Sylvia trying to ignore her. The espeon had kept bothering them though. The glaceon just watched, disappointed in her best "friend". Of course she was just using her. The espeon thought that she was too stupid to do anything like that. So she treats her any way she wants while picking on others. Little does the espeon know, that she's only a pawn.

When it was time for gym, things went downhill. Crysta had scratched Luna in the face. She was bleeding badly. "Why would you do that!?" shouted an angry flare, trying to help Luna in the process. "I had to show the brat who's boss for what happened earlier." replied the smirking Crysta. " What happened earlier!" shouted Flare, now joined with Sylvia escorting Luna to the nurse. "She made me spill my soda on my face when she hit me with that dodgeball. That was my money that was wasted from that." replied the espeon. The flareon was upset at such a stupid reason, but he wanted to make sure his friend was alright so he figurer he'd hurry and come back to this later.

(This is the last bit of the story I could find in Google Docs so yeah. Should I finish it? I'll need some ideas though cause this whole thing was from 5 years ago and I can't think of anything right now. Also should I post this anywhere else? 🤔)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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