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In Porsche's room

Baby, can you give me the file please?

Thank you.

Porsche kissed kinn's cheek and smiled.


come in.

Both of them smiled as Porchay opened the door.

Nong chay how are you?

I'm fine thanks P'kinn.

Chay it's good you came by yourself, I was going to talk to you after a while - since I don't have much work today I thought we'd go somewhere.

Of course I will go hia but I had something urgent to talk with you.

kinn said after a while

I have a matter to discuss with khun, you talk.

No p'kinn you don't have to go actually it would be much easier to convince hia if you were here.

Porsche and Kinn looked at each other confused. Chay sat on the couch facing Porsche and Kinn.

Hia, I want to take admission in business studies in US - I have already done a lot of research about this - the admission will start in the university next month.

Porsche looked at Kinn in surprise then looked at Chay again and said-

chay! are you serious
How do you think that I will send you somewhere far away from me?
There are many good universities in Thailand, you can apply there too and why are you suddenly talking about studying business studies since you had a lot of interest in music since childhood?
Why all of a sudden chay?

Porsche is on the verge of tears and kinn comforts him by patting his back.

I've thought about it a lot hia but I'm no longer sure that I want to pursue music . And see there are many opportunities in business studies. please hia.....

But you will be far away from me. You have never left me since childhood.

Tears began to fall from Porsche's eyes.

I don't think it's a good idea. What will happen to your safety? What should I do if you are in danger? You know how difficult the situation is now.

kinn hugs Porsche and pats his shoulder trying to comfort him.

Porsche? Chay has grown up now and he has to take important decisions in his life. Besides, he has to constantly experience new things. If you keep him like this, what will happen to his growth and his mental health will also be affected.

But kinn his safety.........

Don't worry I'll take care of it.

Porsche understands everything but still can't accept sending Chay away. He angrily wiped his tears and left the room.


Chay give him some time to process everything.

Thank you so much phi.

You're welcome chay.
If you need anything don't hesitate to let phi know.

Chay smiled and hugged kinn and left the room.
Chay saw Porsche sitting on a garden bench staring straight ahead. He quietly went to one side of the bench and sat down. porsche took a look at him and wiped his tears and said

It's too hard for me chay. I will think of you every moment.

Don't worry hia I will take bodyguard with me everywhere and I'm not going to stay there forever I will come back after few years.

Chay are you ok??

Porchay did not reply. Porsche began by saying:

Don't think  that I didn't notice how you got quiet after you got here. You lock yourself in the room all the times. Chay you know I'm here for you.

Hia, I just never imagined this. Suddenly everything changed in just a short time and I was not at all prepared for it. I feel like I've lost all control over myself so I want to get away from it and give myself some time. That's all.

Porsche hugged his brother.

I love you so much chay.

I love you too hia.

Kim on the other hand is playing the same song over and over on the guitar with tears in his eyes. Their song, which they composed together. He kept looking at his phone constantly hoping for a message. But Porchay did not reply. He knows he deserves this.
after all Kim pushed Chay away and hurt him. He texted Chay many times and even tried to apologize by singing but every time he got silence as the answer.

Despite knowing that he deserves all this, there is a hope in the corner of his mind that Porchay might want to listen to his explanation. If Chay doesn't want to have any contact with Kim after that, he won't force him anymore. Putting down the guitar, he wiped his tears and decided to go to the compound and apologize to Porchay. After all, no matter how much he tries to keep Chay away from this dirty life, he will always be stuck in this world for his brother and mother.

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