Chapter 0 - Prelude

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What happened, Risa?", asked Fren.

„We found two books, right? The one from the library, which was brown and one green, that I picked up from the treasury... but in the sack was also this blue book."

Maybe you forgot that you picked it up somewhere."

„I don't think so. It looks weird and I would remember the name Dr. Sea Air by R.Saya? Who is R.Saya. and what is with that name? Sea Air and Dr.? Meriel, do you know anything about it?"

I never heard about any books by R.Saya."

Open it, Risa.", said Sophie.


[Risa reads the book in her mind]

(Dear Risa, this book was written by me or you... and no one else.

Please, don't pass it to Meriel now. Read first what I need to explain. It can look unbelievably, but all is true. I am Saya. I think, that you don't still know who that really is... Let me explain that and don't look surprised... stay silent.

I was Risa, the same as you, but later I became a half goddess and then higher level goddess.)"

„(Wait! Risa as me? Saya?)"

(You need to become that too. I will tell you how. You don't remember me,
but we already met, when you were young. I then erased your memory, because previous Risa told me to do
so. Later she deceived me... I don't know why (maybe she was deceived too), but she did that... and I don't want to deceive you too. If you believe me or not is up to you, but I have an option for you. In the book's biding is a key... leave it there... and a ring. The ring can suppress that memory magic I used. If you wear it, you will remember what happened in your childhood. If you put it off later, those memories will again disappear. It is up to you. The next lines will appear when you put it on.)"

„(What is this? I don't understand... a ring?)"

Risa?! Is there anything useful?", asked Fren, when she noticed, that Risa has quite a weird look.

„I don't know... let me think about something more."

Oh... sure."

While replying to Fren, Risa examined the biding and found both the key and the ring.

„(It is really here.)"

„(Now I am quite scared, but I am also curious.)"

Risa secretly equipped the ring and many scenes started to play in her mind.

„(So it is all true?!)", as Risa thought that, tears appeared in her eyes. Then she opened the book again and continued reading.

(Well done. Now, do you remember me? Hmm... I can't verify if you really did so... so, I can only believe in that.)"

„(Yes... I remember everything.)"

(If you did so and believe me, then follow these instructions:

1) If Meriel is curious, say to him, that you want to study it more.

2) This is not task... only info: You will need to give the book to Meriel soon. If you ask why you should do that, I don't know... but better if you do so, otherwise it could change the future too much and... lead to a catastrophe.)"

Risa, you look weird. Is there anything strange? Can I see it too?", asked Meriel suddenly.

„Mmm... no. I was just thinking about something. Let me study it more."

Ah, sure... no problem.", replied Meriel.

[Risa continues reading]

„(Later in future, you will get the book back again and I will say you more.

For now: Good luck! And as Meriel said... everything will be alright.

3) Read now this sentence aloud:

Soket wobuf wehonid seyar yurtes mon rabity narsa tapou dorri roy.

4) Say to Meriel, that you tried hard to decrypt it, but failed.

Then close the book and pass it to him.)"

„(Do I really need to say this? But maybe it would be better to just do what she asked.)"

„Soket wobuf wehonid seyar yurtes mon rabity narsa tapou dorri roy. That is what is written here. I tried to think what it could mean, but failed."

Huh? What language is it?", Fren was confused.

Hmm... I see...", said Meriel.

„Do you understand it, Meriel?"

No. But I once saw something similar. Let me study it a bit more..."

„Ah, sure.", said Risa and handed him the book.

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