Class Trial...THE KILLER IS

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POV: Osaka

After some poor tasted comedic fights from Monokuma and Monomi, everyone just stood in front of Byakuya's body....Nekomaru had let me go after I calmed down, actually I wasn't sure if I was calm myself. How could you be calm, there's a dead person in front of me...why would I be calm.

"A search for Byakuya's killer... Why did it turn out like this...!?" Peko said in anguish

"Ugh... Gimme a break...Why do I...have to be involved in this horrible situation...?" Kazuichi followed in with disbelief.

"U-Um... You can't doubt each other...'re all friends..." monomi said trying to restore some hope in everyone

"But Mr. Ham Hands really did get killed, right? And if we don't find out who the killer is, we're all gonna get killed, right?" Hiyoko stated without hesitation, she didn't seem to care all too much that Byakuya was dead...was she really some pure kid?!

"That being said, I cannot abide by this! Now that I have finally made friends... there is no way I can doubt them...!" Sonia said preaching Monomi's words

"Seriously? Did you even listen to what I said? It doesn't matter if you can "abide" by this or not... We gotta do this to survive, right?" Hiyoko once again ruthlessly stated

"Nooooooo! Friends doubting friends is a major no-no!" Monomi tried to intervene

" matter what you say."

Everyone turned to me..I wasn't sure what kind of face I was making but they seemed a bit frightened clearly..maybe it was because of the body...I don't know anymore

"It doesn't change the fact, that Byakuya is dead. And i wasn't able to keep my promise."

"Osaka..." I heard everyone collectively say

"We really don't...have a we? Dammit! I hate this!" Hajime said in despair, understandably trying to bring us back to the reality of things

"I...I hate it too! I hate it and I'm scared!" Mikan said frightened by everything

"However, it is just as Hiyoko said. If we're going to get killed for not doing it...then we must do it." Peko said reasonably

...But still...I can't believe one of us killed Byakuya...

There's no way I can believe it...there's no way...

So, for that reason...

...I'll do it.

I'll investigate Byakuya's death... I will do my best to prove that no one here is the killer.

There's no need to deceive or doubt each other. What we need to fight is not ourselves...

...but that which is trying to...crush us...this despair!"

Nagito's right...
Our enemy... it can't be each other... it's this reality that we've been forced into.
We have to fight against it, together.
But... in order to survive that fight...

"Ah, before you start, can I say something? In closed-circle detective games, the player usually has to decide on who's going to guard the crime scene... What should we do?" Chiaki said...that was true

"Oh yeah, it would be bad if the killer destroyed the evidence and got away with it." Hiyoko muttered out

"D-Destroyed the evidence...?" Mikan said surprised

"Look, over there! That big, bulky, brawny guy is perfect for the guard job!" Ibuki said pointing to Nekomaru.


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