The Culprit is...!

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Osaka POV:
Class Trail #1:
"let me explain how the trials will work!" Monokuma shouted proudly as I looked at him

"Among you there is one blackened, in order to determine who the blackened is you will have a set amount of time to discuss who the blackened is. The stainless, the innocent, will vote after you've all come to a consensus during that time. If the blackened isn't voted out then...puhuhuh you all die....and the blackened graduates. If you guess right. You'll live!"

"Before we begin I'd like to confirm one thing, is there really a killer among us?" Nagito questioned

"That's a good question to ask Nagito." I commented as I looked at monokuma once again "got an answer?"

Monokuma smirked "most definitely"

"Now let's begin!"

" You're telling us to begin but what are we supposed to do?" Mikan questioned causing the group to collectively sigh

"Were you even listening to the rules?" Kazuichi said passive aggressively

"didn't that byakuya bastard get killed in the dining hall? Then everyone there is a fuckin suspect!" Fuyuhiko commented

" Yeah, yeah...What you're really trying to say is you're not the killer right?" Mahiru abruptly swapped sides

" No shit! you guys went on your own and started killing each other. This has nothing to do with me!" Argued Fuyuhiko

"He's right, Mahiru. Anyone and everyone in that room is a suspect. Fuyuhiko's alibi no matter where he was checks out." I said much to Mahiru's disappointment while Fuyuhiko looked surprised that I defended him

"Anyway...why don't we try talking about the most pressing issue on our minds? Where we found the body. It's very strange to find a body underneath a table." Nagito spoke softly trying to return us to the rest of the trial

"Then..let's start with that mystery!" Chiaki said enthusiastically

Hajime POV:

"Why was it under the table? If I can't use this trail to figure out the truth...we'll all die....."

"Why was Byakuya's body? - in a place like that?" Nagito questioned

"his body was underneath the table - at the very back of the dining hall. Not only that, there's a singular stab wound to the stomach." Osaka commented, he touched his chin thinking deeply

"after the killer murdered byakuya - they probally moved the body there!" Kazuichi claimed

"NO THAT'S WRONG!" I and Osaka shouted at the same time, I looked at Osaka in surprise, he caught on as fast as I did

"No, that's not possible." Osaka claimed causing Kazuichi to frown

"know something we don't!?" Kazuichi retorted causing Osaka to sigh, much to EVERYONE's surprise

"Kazuichi, In order for the body to have been moved it needed to be dragged some way and then pushed under, we would've heard that in the dark." Osaka stated

"Not only that, but there are no trails of blood indicating the movement of the body. In fact it seemed like he bled out where we found him.

 In fact it seemed like he bled out where we found him

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