Chapter 5 While the Heart Grows Fonder

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Annemarie meanwhile, dashed out of the park, fretting over the reprimanding she would receive upon finding her family. How could she have lost track of time like that?

Her heart told her the answer—she'd met a lovely gentleman whose company she disliked parting with. She'd never met a man with whom could converse so freely on matters close to her heart, and who seemed to value her opinion! It was almost as if talking with a dear friend she'd known all her life... It stunned her that such men existed in the world.

And the moment before grudging reality set in, she was sure he had been about to kiss her! How it had set her heart aflutter! She had felt so drawn to him and was sure he felt attracted to her for more than superficial reasons, their stimulating conversation proved that.

But now it was all over.

With a regretful start, she paused realizing she hadn't even found out the gentleman's name—how could she ever find him again? Would she be able to? He was not a man she'd seen in her circles as he said he was not customarily found at balls. He did mention an estate though. Perhaps he was well-off. But it wasn't the wealth that interested her, her own family had enough of that; it was his kindred soul, his vivacious heart!

Where could she ever find such a rare gentleman like that again? One kind enough to save her from being drenched and further share his very own coat with her while they waited out the storm... he almost reminded her of her gentleman in the top hat. Remembering him, she sighed. Two gentlemen, one whom she had never met and one whom she had, had snuck into her heart. Dared she hope that she had done the same with the gentleman in the rain today?

She had no desire to meet any other swaine, a thousand balls could not change her mind. Her heart was fixed. She could never go back to being content with her life as before—she had a new desire, an unfulfilled ache for companionship in her heart, a void only one man could fill.


Felix Frost got no rest that night; he tossed and turned in his sheets, his mind filled with the sweet face of his fairy and his heart filled with longing. She was not like the fashionable demoiselles he had been dragged along to meet by his well-meaning friend, Albert. The ladies he entertained preferred to hear of grandiose tales of their hunting adventures, exaggerated victories in their fencing matches, and other such frivolities. Every time he tried to bring up deep philosophies and the fine arts, they declared philosophy was for bearded Greek men and music was fun only if they had a partner to dance with.

He'd never found a partner to share his interests with—until now.

When his father was alive, he always recounted to him about the parable of the pearl—how a merchant who found it sold everything he had in order to buy that pearl of great value. It was far more precious than all he had and too valuable to pass up. He might never find another like it again.

Heavens, what if the fairy he met was his pearl?

Felix sat up in bed. No, he couldn't lose such a pearl. He would find her and seek to make her his bride no matter what. He was sure she was the one made for him, convicted of it with all his being.

With that resolution in place, he shut his eyes and disciplined himself to sleep.

The next morning he set off on his favorite constitutional, this time with a definite purpose in mind—find that fairy maiden's identity. It was fairly easy as he knew where she lived. The hard part was how he would introduce himself, what excuse could he give for wanting to meet a young, unmarried maiden?

He stopped in his tracks; no, he hadn't thought this through. He'd need some sort of formal reason to justify his concourse—a party! His cloistered estate had yet to see any entertainment within it—and while he loathed stuffy balls, perhaps he could host a light and airy tea party outdoors, with croquet and cricket, if Albert had his way. He had vast enough grounds to host a thousand if needed.

But he hoped to host one particular guest above all.

He turned around and walked back to his estate, his head full of plans and his heart full of excitement. He wouldn't pass by his fairy's window today; no, he had much to do if he hoped to see her again in person.

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