Chapter 6 Felix's Fairy

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Annemarie sighed. The following Monday morning was the first day her gentleman in the top hat had not passed by her window, awarding her with her daily satisfaction.

"What could've happened to him?" She wondered aloud. "I hope he is well. I wonder what kept him..." Her thoughts soon switched to the gentleman from yesterday, however, and her heart hummed in longing. There was no way a lady of her respectable station could ask around for his identity—no matter how hard she wished she knew who he was.

But then she supposed it was better off not knowing—what if on finding out his identity, he turned out not to be a bachelor but a married man far out of her reach?

He would not have almost kissed you if so, her heart told her. She sighed again returning to her embroidery, feeling forlorn. Perhaps her romantic encounter was best left forgotten, a sweet memory of a rainy day to cherish in her dreams.

But fate had other plans.

"Annemarie ma'am, you'll never guess what's arrived!" Winifred suddenly burst into her room, her face aglow with excitement and an envelope in her hand. "Your mother sent me posthaste to tell you you're invited!"

"Invited? To what?" Annemarie asked. "Oh dear, not another ball..."

"Tis no ball, ma'am!" Winifred hyperventilated. "Tis an afternoon tea party, hosted by Sir Felix Frost!"

"Who in the world is he?" Annemarie asked disinterestedly. Winifred gasped.

"Why, a fine young gentleman to look at for one! Dropped this off himself a while back. He's one of those heirs we've read about in the papers—newly endowed and wealthy as a duke!"

"Oh Wini," Annemarie shook her head, knowing her maid tended to exaggerate. However, she took the envelope and read the letter inside—it was a powder blue invitation lined with lace and very pretty. It requested the presence of her family at the Heatherfield Estate for a delightful afternoon soiree, hosted by Sir Felix Frost.

"Must I go?" Annemarie whined. Winifred gasped.

"Hmph! You certainly must! And I shall lay a gown out for you before you try to get out of it!" And with the insistence of her maid and her family, Annemarie found herself dragged along to tea and croquet much against her will the next day.


Felix welcomed each of his esteemed guests with polite bows and smiles as they trotted up his grounds although his eyes kept flickering to the gate hoping to see his fairy fly through them.

"Still no sign of your mythical nymph, eh, Felix?" Albert teased him with a nudge. He'd heard all about his friend's encounter with a fairy and took it with a pinch of salt—such a perfect lady as Felix described seemed too good to be true.

"It's early yet, Albert, she will come," Felix said hopefully, though he felt nervous. What if she didn't come? All this would've been for naught!

"Everyone else is here, I suggest you start the games," Albert said. Sighing, Felix threw himself into his duties as a good host, disappointment growing in his chest. Where was his fairy?


Annemarie had just arrived at Heatherfield Estate and was taking a moment to admire it—its grounds were wide, carefree, and well-kept. Even the mansion was rather charming with its windows glistening in the sun, she found herself warming to the place. But she'd have to mingle with pompous swains soon, swains whom her family would surely try to pair her off with... that made her groan inside.

"Do try to take an interest in people, Annemarie," her mother sighed hopelessly at her before leaving her to her own devices. Annemarie watched her sweep into the crowd and wandered off by herself around the estate, steadily avoiding the clusters of people—no need to mingle just yet. She could enjoy a little walk alone first.


"Felix, would that straggler yonder be your fairytale creature?" Albert asked Felix during tea. Felix looked up and nearly choked in his cup—he recognized his fairy a mile away! What was she doing, wandering around near the woods, so far from the party?

He recalled she mentioned she disliked parties like himself—well, he didn't host a tea for himself, he went through all this trouble simply to bring her here, he couldn't lose her now!

"Please, excuse me," he mumbled to the pair of pretty ladies who had planted themselves at his table, ladies whom he knew not despite inviting them and whose giggling company he longed to escape. His friend was more than happy to entertain them anyway.

Felix ran off in the direction of his fairy who had just slipped between the trees. When he saw her, he hailed her.

"Milady, wait!" Annemarie turned around—her eyes fell on the gentleman in the rain from yesterday! Oh, what a joyous coincidence meeting him here!

"What a pleasant surprise to see you here, sir, I had no idea you were invited as well!" She exclaimed.

"I—am the host, milady, Felix Frost at your service," Felix panted, holding out his hand.

"Oh, this is your party?" Annemarie asked, giving her hand to him. He kissed it, drawing warmth to her cheeks.

"Yes, I was hoping you'd come," he admitted truthfully. "I longed to meet you again." Annemarie smiled, touched.

"That's very cordial of you, Mr. Frost. I hope you've forgiven my abrupt departure yesterday."

"As long as you make it up to me and allow me the pleasure of your company," he replied, holding his arm out for her. She took it as they walked along together.

"I never caught your name yesterday, milady, forgive me," Felix began bashfully.

"Annemarie Perkins," Annemarie replied.

"Annemarie... such a pretty name..." Felix whispered. "I hope to pursue our friendship further, Miss Perkins. I dearly missed your company since yesterday."

"Oh..." Annemarie blushed. "I admit I have yours as well." Felix's heart leaped at that. He stopped walking and turned to her with earnest eyes.

"Then, I must confess... I have longed to get to know you for much longer." Annemarie blinked.

"Pardon?" Felix took her hands in his.

"I have passed by your window every day and I have admired your beauty from afar each time. I longed to say 'hello' to you and never thought I'd get the chance to meet you until now." Annemarie was stunned; Felix was her gentleman in the top hat?! Oh, what a delight this was!

"You're—the gentleman I see every day..." she breathed in excitement. "Oh, I have longed to meet you as well!" Felix smiled widely at that.

"Then perhaps it was meant to be," he said softly. Annemarie felt her heart melt—finally, she met the gentleman who held her heart! And he felt fondness for her as well!

"Nothing makes me happier than your company, Felix," she said, and within moments their lips met in ardent union.

"My dearest Annemarie," Felix breathed, enraptured and grateful to have finally found his beloved fairy. And what bliss it was to find she bore the same feelings for him! There they stood sharing an unending kiss, filled with the promise of love.

All it took was a rainy day to bring these two lovers together.

The end.

A Gentleman in the RainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora