15 - friday night

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friday night 

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friday night 

"Be there exactly at ten," Robin read out loud from her phone, glancing at her two roommates and then on the clock in their dorm. "Yeah, we're not managing to do that," she chuckled, seeing it was already past ten and all of them were barely prepared.

"It's fine," Izzy shrugged, herself checking the group chat. Izzy and Robin still weren't completely sure why they were in the group as it was a group chat for Seungmin and the boys, but they just got added in one day, and no one questioned anything since. "It's not like Minho is gonna yell at us for being late to his party."

"Yeah, but Changbin is," Seungmin commented, putting on his shoes. "And Jisung's gonna complain until he notices you and just spends the rest of the night trying to talk to you," he looked up at Robin, making her roll her eyes.

"That sounds like his problem," she shrugged.

"Uhm, hello??" Izzy interrupted them. "Are we not going to flirt? You have to talk to him!"

Robin sighed. "Fine, whatever, I just want to have fun," she proclaimed. "And if he's the one that makes me have fun then be it."

"Izzy is thinking about hooking up with someone too now," Seungmin frowned, seeing the look on his best friend's face. "Disgusting."

"Shut up and finally get up so we can go."

The three of them managed to get to Minho's dorm in no time. Of course, how could it even take them longer than a minute when he was just at the end of the hall?

The front door was completely opened, with a bunch of empty cups right at the entrance. All three of them took one, walking inside, trying to find any of their friends that they could possibly talk to.

The first one they found was the host himself, who definitely didn't look as great as they thought he would. Heck, he looked amazing, Izzy thought. Actually, he looked amazing in whatever he wore and they all knew it, so there was no need to worry about that, but his expression, the way he was drinking one drink after another, it made him look like a mess.

"Hey, you okay, dude?" Seungmin asked carefully, sitting down next to him on the couch. Izzy squeezed herself between Minho and some dude from second year on his other side, already pouring herself a drink.

"What are you having?" Robin asked, looking at the bottle in Izzy's hands. "Okay, give me one too," she nodded, giving Izzy her cup.

"I am fine," Minho mumbled. "Not that I wanted to have my room full of people I don't even know, but whatever."

"You didn't want to...?" Izzy asked confusedly, turning back at Robin right away, basically kicking out the guy next to her so she could sit down next to them.

"Yeah," Minho sighed. "Fucking Jisung told everyone there's party tonight to celebrate the start of new semester or whatever. That's why I texted you to be here on time so I don't need to talk to anyone else," he explained, making Seungmin chuckle.

He shook his head. "It's fine, I can stay with you tonight," he laughed slightly. "It's not like I want to go around and flirt with everyone like someone," he glanced at Izzy, making her shrug.

"Not my fault," she chuckled.

"Are you sure you're not gonna be flirting with anyone tonight?" Robin smirked, making the male raise his eyebrow. He was positive there was no chance he was making out with anyone today, but apparently Robin had a different idea. "I just heard Amy is making Hana come too," she said casually, taking a sip of her drink.

"Amy's coming?" Minho asked immediately. Robin nodded, questioning why that was such a big deal. "Fuck, I shouldn't have drank so much," he sighed, leaning his head to the back. He wanted to act cool, but he was sure he was already drunk with everything he had before anyone even came.

Izzy raised her eyebrow. "You..." she started, chuckling when she realized what was on his mind. She shook her head, looking around to see if Amy wasn't already here by any chance. "Well good luck to you two," she grinned, patting Minho on his back. She would have done the same with Seungmin if she could only reach him.

"Why are we wishing them luck?" A female voice surprised them as the four girls sat on the somehow empty chairs opposite them.

"I hope it's something funny," the oldest of them grinned, ready to hear the tea they had.

The pink haired girl next to her laughed, turning to the four on the couch. "Hey," she greeted them, making it look like she was the only one with good manners.

"The Cheong sisters," Robin explained, making Jisoo laugh again.

"Of course," she chuckled. "When I was leaving Amy was still convincing Hana to come, but I am sure she'll show up," she assured Seungmin. "The last thing I heard was Amy telling her you're gonna be here too and suddenly Hana was picking some clothes from her closet."

"Why are we only hearing about this now?" Alaska asked, her eyes moving from Seungmin to Robin and Jisoo. "I didn't know Seungmin was talking to someone!"

"He called me and Riles grannies the last time we saw each other, you think he wants to share his love life with us?" Bora spoke up, shaking her head.

"Of course!" Riley joined Laska's side. "Who wouldn't? We could give him great advice!"

"You? Aren't you single, girl?" Jisoo laughed again. "I am pretty sure I haven't seen you with a guy once since we are friends."

"That's not funny," Riley protested, making all of them laugh, except for Minho who was trying his best to make his mind sober while listening to their conversation. "It's not my fault Chris barely knows I exist."

"That's definitely your fault," Robin pointed out. "You have to talk to him if you want him to know about you! Instead, you're just complaining all the time."

"That's not true! I am trying my best, you know. It's not my fault he rather talks to Bora than me," she muttered.

"Hey, don't blame this on me!" The black haired female spoke up. "I didn't do anything. I don't even like him."

"Whatever," Riley sighed. 

Izzy—Riley and her problems smh 

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Riley and her problems smh 

Next chapter coming soon 
16 - Minho's room 

𝐬𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐤𝐢 • 𝐇𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora