37 - deal

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Izzy never realized how fast a whole week could pass. At least until now, because she was enjoying every moment of her life. From sneaking around so she could see him, through drawing more and more, to hanging out in his dorm. She enjoyed every moment, especially when she was by his side.

To everyone's surprise, the so-called rivals Hyunjin and Izzy had been doing the exact opposite of what everyone expected of them. Even though just two weeks ago they both swore they hated each other, their behavior changed after the night they spent together, just wandering around campus.

And today wasn't any different from the past few days. 

Izzy was laying on the bed, just scrolling on her phone while Hyunjin sat in his chair, studying for his math exam. She didn't mind the fact they weren't doing anything together, she was just simply enjoying the comfort she felt.

"Iz, come help me," he proclaimed, tired from all the numbers already. The brunette raised her head, turning off her phone. "Is that how you ask for help?" She teased him, seeing him roll his eyes at her. "Pretty please," he grinned at her ironically, making her chuckle.

"Let me see," she said as she stood up, walking over to him. "If it's the easiest math problem I've ever seen though I will leave," she informed him, glancing over his shoulder at the paper. "Oh, you have a mistake here, that's why you are having troubles, you need to divide this instead," she pointed out, slightly leaning on him to show it to him.

"You're really attractive like this, you know," he whispered, only looking at her instead of focusing on his work. "Thanks, but I am not where you should be looking right now," she brushed him off, shaking her head at him when she saw how he looked at her.

She couldn't lie, the way he looked at her was something she always wished for. He looked like he really liked her. As if he had eyes for her and her only.

"Well, then you shouldn't be this pretty if you don't want me to look at you," he shrugged, carefully wrapping his arm around her waist to pull her closer.

"Well, then you should ask me out first if you want to make moves like this on me," she smirked, taking a step away, making his hand fall back to his side. "You're very unfair right now," he argued. "Why? Just ask me, prince."

"I won't," he shook his head confidently. "I am not losing to you, darling."

"I think we should find you a different study partner then, babe," she smiled. "Maybe I can talk to Astran to see if he can't explain it to you, I am sure you will focus in that case."

"You seriously want to win that much? And isn't he like history and English smart or whatever anyway?" Hyunjin wondered, sulking a bit, hoping that might play in his favor.

"I don't care about winning, I just want you to lose before we go on a date," she proclaimed, innocently smiling at him as she remembered the deal they made last week when he came over in the morning. They talked a lot that day, about how they felt, about how Izzy still wasn't completely sure, and about setting a two weeks deadline.

She promised to him that she will make up her mind in less than two weeks, and that once she would do so she would send him some kind of signal so he could ask her out. Obviously, Hyunjin asked why she couldn't just ask him out herself once she was sure, but she just brushed him off, mumbling too many things at the same time for him to understand. 

And because of that, he decided to offer her a deal. If she would be the first one to ask him out on a date he would fulfill her any wish, and if he asked her first she would have to grand him a wish. Even though Izzy hesitated a lot, she ended up agreeing, realizing there was nothing to lose in the end. And just to add a cherry on the top, they decided that this deal would go on for only the two weeks she mentioned before. 

To anyone around it was obvious that there was tension between them, and all of their friends started to ship them together. But even though they were acting like a couple, they still weren't together because of that deal.

"I refuse to lose though, so I guess you will have to wait for another week," he said confidently.

Izzy looked at him for a second, thinking about everything they've said to each other until now before she spoke again. "How about changing the rules?"


"If I am going to be honest, I think you managed to convince me," she admitted quietly.

"Wait, what?" He asked, blinking a few times to make sure he wasn't just imagining this. She had to chuckle as she found that cute.

"I like you, Hyunjin."

"Let's have a date tonight," he blurted out immediately, as if he wasn't saying the exact opposite just a minute ago.

"Wait, but I was just about to change the deal-"

"I don't care about the deal. Not even a bit. I just didn't want to ask you before hearing you say it," he interrupted her, shaking his head before she could try to convince him to wait again. "Unless you don't want to go out, in that case I didn't say anything and we can just continue like this, I guess," he started mumbling, not even making any sense in her eyes. It made her chuckle.

"Like I was just about to say," she started again, making sure he wouldn't interrupt her this time. "Because I like you, I don't want to wait another week. So if you want to ask me... you can do so now, and I won't count it as your loss," she explained. "So, of course, I want to go out with you, Hyunjin."

A smile started to appear on his lips as he was listening to her. It felt great having the girl he likes like him back. He definitely couldn't say he wouldn't be loved, he had great parents, a great sister even though they sometimes fought, amazing friends, and he even got confessions from his classmates, but it just felt different with her. 

It felt better. 

Izzy—look who decided to be nice and give you guys an update 

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look who decided to be nice and give you guys an update 

Next chapter coming soon 
38 - study break 

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