Chapter 4

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(AN: Thank you all for your support! I edited the past chapters. The only big difference is that Penelope now has less on her and does needlearts instead of carving (as I know more about needlecrafts lol). Thank you again for your input as it really helps me improve this fic!)

I stand up from my seat at the low table and stretch, my back popping. "Okay! Let's go get some stuff for dinner, yeah?"

Curtis looks at the deer and then at me confused. "What about the deer?"

"Ah. Well, you see I'm an omnivore. So I need to eat both plants and animals to be healthy. What about you guys?"

Kaiden nods along with my words before beaming at my question saying "I too am an omnivore, though I mostly eat plants and fish."

"I'm a carnivore, though I only need to eat about one large meal a week." Curtis explains

Not really surprising given their beast forms.

I go and grab my book on plants and the empty protective cover for my sleeping bag to use to carry any plants, before turning to the, now standing, beastmen "So Kaiden, think you could show me some of the edible plants around here?"

Kaiden smiles excitedly. "Yep!"

As Kaiden leads the way past the trail behind the waterfall and into the forest, I notice Curtis seems a bit dejected and, guessing what's wrong I grab his hand and smile, causing him to look up surprised "It's okay Curtis, you don't have to prove yourself to me, I know you'll take great care of me. But if it makes you feel better, how about tomorrow you do the hunting?"

He smiles looking touched before with a proud puff of his chest promising "I'll bring you a boar." Causing me to chuckle and place a kiss against his cheek. "Thank you."

I study our surroundings as we walk in awe of the huge trees around us "These trees are huge…" I comment.

"Ah. Well trees can teach us much you know." Kaiden says, a hint of wisdom in his tone. Though I don't notice, Curtis stiffens beside me.

"Like what?" I ask curiously.

"Like that continual growth leads to more lightning." Kaiden nods sagely.

I stop blinking dumbfounded at him. "What?"

Curtis groans pinching the bridge of his nose and looking to the heavens as in to ask for patience before saying "It's best you know this now, but Kaiden is tangible proof that age does not lead to wisdom. He does try though."

"Hey! I'm plenty wise!" Kaiden pouts.

"Oh…" I blink stupidly and we continue on our way, each of us attempting to pretend nothing happened.

Eventually we reach our destination.

"Ah ha! Here we are, the most delicious plant in the whole forest!" Kaiden says standing proudly in front of a tree.

I tilt my head looking at the tree before asking "Oh! How do you eat it?"

Kaiden looks confused, blinking  "You eat the leaves…"

Oh… I forgot he's a turtle, he eats different plants then I would… Do sheep beastmen graze?

After a quick explanation that, while both humans and turtles are both omnivores, humans cannot usually eat trees. Kaiden looks rather dejected at the news but after I explain that humans can eat whatever apes can, he perks up and we end up finding onions, garlic chives, carrots, potatoes (stonefruit), and even some garlic, most of which they call medicine.

You know… on earth most of these come from different areas unless they are invasive. I know garlic chives were originally from asia. Potatoes were from the americas, until they were brought over to europe during the columbian exchange… Sigh… best not to think about it… haha

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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