Chapter 2: An exterminator

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P.O.V. [Name]

Year: 1872

I was currently making my way to a small local town. So small in fact it didn't even have an official name. I was here to get rid of the pest that was making itself known.

I was going to kill him. Somehow I was careless and a human a long time ago gained some of my powers as well as the one weakness I posses. He became the inspiration for a popular monster book called Dracula.

That's right I'm well I guess now we were vampires as the humans had named us. To make matters even worse they believed he was the first. They thought he was the strongest vampire.

Ha he couldn't even hold a candle to me. I was the first I am the strongest. If he really was the strongest why did he die with a simple wooden stake through his heart. He also gained other weakness that I didn't possess. I guess that's the price you pay he could be killed by silver garlic and even the sun.

I may not have a high immunity to these things but at least I didn't die from them. Their were only two things that could kill me. One if I went a whole year without blood. Two a cross made of solid gold would have to impale me through the heart. I may have given up a life of killing humans but if there was one thing I wasn't going to stand for it was a bunch of idiots who only had a fraction of my power then go around like they own the place.

Why did I give up killing humans? Simple after I had defeated Sir Williams I received a new challenger every weak. This wouldn't have been such a problem if they hadn't always broke my door destroy my throne room and completly wreck my catsle. It all just became to much to clean up.

I of course had similar features when it came to appearance. I had place skin as well as being ice cold and my eyes turned red when I was excited. Any form of excitement counted. When I was around blood, when I was fighting, when I was angry. Any of these could make my eyes turn red.

I looked to the side of a local building and that is where I saw him. Someone avoiding the sun his skin was pale and there was some blood on his lower lip. 'Found you' was what came to mind when I saw him.

Later that night a rented a hotel room. That night I went to search for the man I had seen. I went to the woods where would he be after all. I then felt a hard kick to my back and was sent flying. I turned around to see him a smirk place on his face.

We didn't exchange any words we just charged at each other. He tried to give me a roundhouse to the face. But I caught his leg and lifted him up then slammed him down. He got back up and went to deliver a punch to my gut I caught his fist and jumped straight up so that my knee would connect with his jaw.

He did a flip and landed on all fours. "You may be a vampire like me but you're still a thousand years to young to even think you have a chance at beating me." I stated because it was true. When it came to experience alone he may be a vampire like me but I've been around for more than a thousand years.

"Yes so it would seem." He stated as I felt another foot hit my back I was sent towards him and he pinned me to the ground and started to choke me. "It's a good thing I don't work alone then." I then saw three more figures come from the woods and one from behind me. Looks like I'm now fighting five people.

I gripped his hand kicked him in the stomach sending him into the air. I got to my feet rather quickly and two large bat wings shot out of my back. I flew into the air and grabbed him the same way he had me.

"Even if you have me outnumbered one hundred to one I'll still beat every single one of you. Because I'm stronger than you." After I said this I reached into his chest and pulled out his heart then proceeded to shove said organ down his own throat.

I landed on the ground and tossed his lifeless body aside. "Well who's first?" I asked stepping forward. I heard one from behind me rush forward and I used my bat wings to impale his throat I the brought each in the opposite direction so his head was sent flying off his body.

"I never fall for the same trick a second time." I saw the remaining three rich forward and split into different direction they each tried to come at me. Each one of them were going to fail.

'Let's see two from the sides and one from behind me let's see how this plays out for them.' I thought as they approached from said directions.

I turned around quickly and used my wings to block the attacks from the side. I sent the two on the side flying and wrapped one of my arms around the thrids neck. I bent him over backwards and pulled down severing his head from his body. After which I dashed to the left and kicked him into the last one. When they both regained their position I placed a hand on each of their heads and slammed them together. I did this several times until I got border then I smashed their head together one last time and kept them there.

"You know you all besides myself were the last vampires. After this I'll be the last just thought you should know." I said with a smirk on my face. I then squeezed their head together until their head collapsed and their blood squirted out.

As I was walking away. "You all inheired so many weakness I didn't. It really is a shame you're not as strong as me otherwise you all might have won." I stated as I walked into the woods didn't want to stick around here any longer than I needed to.

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